Although we are constantly surrounded by advertisements both online and offline, companies have no way to know whether we’ve actually seen what they’re selling. That could change in the future, with the help of Google Glass….
Although we are constantly surrounded by advertisements both online and offline, companies have no way to know whether we’ve actually seen what they’re selling. That could change in the future, with the help of Google Glass.
A newly-discovered Google patent for “pay-per-gaze” ads would use eye tracking to determine what the user is looking at. Google’s patent says it would then be able to charge companies when users look at advertisements, including online banner ads and offline billboards.
These pay-per-gaze ads could go even further, the patent says, by determining how long users have looked directly on an ad, and even measure emotional response.
“For example, if the advertiser desires to generate a shocking advertisement to get noticed or a thought provoking advertisement, then the inferred emotional state information and/or the gazing duration may be valuable metrics to determine the success of the campaign with real-world consumers,” the patent says.
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