On today’s 404 episode we’ll gawk at the gaudiness of a gold Apple iPhone, crown a smartphone the king of Bridget Carey’s smartphone camera shootout, and learn how to submit our NSFW selfies for an upcoming Brooklyn art exhibition…. On today’s 404 episode we’ll gawk at the gaudiness of a gold Apple iPhone, crown a smartphone the king of Bridget Carey’s smartphone camera shootout, and learn how to submit our NSFW selfies for an upcoming Brooklyn art exhibition. [Read more]

image The 404 1,325: Where Apple goes mining for fools gold (podcast) The 404 1,325: Where Apple goes mining for fools gold (podcast) The 404 1,325: Where Apple goes mining for fools gold (podcast) The 404 1,325: Where Apple goes mining for fools gold (podcast)

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cnet/tcoc/~3/wrY6wTspER8/story01.htm