Today’s interviewee is Cryonics Institute (CI) Director Andy Zawacki, who takes Slashdot’s Robert Rozeboom into the facility where they keep the tanks with frozen people in them. Yesterday, Rob talked with David Ettinger, who is both the group’s lawyer and the son of CI founder Robert Ettinger. For those of you who are obsessed with the process of vitrification, here’s a link to a story about The Cryonics Institute’s 69th Patient and how she was taken care of, starting at the moment of her deanimation (AKA death). The story has anatomical drawings, charts, and color pictures of Andy carrying out the actual procedure. But Cryonics, while endorsed as a concept by numerous scientists, may not be as good a way to insure immortality as transplanting your brain into a fresh (probably robotic) body, as Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov hopes to do by 2035. There are also many groups that claim to offer spiritual (as opposed to corporeal) immortality. Which method of living forever works best? That remains to be seen, assuming any of them work at all. Perhaps we’ll find out after the Singularity…. Today’s interviewee is Cryonics Institute (CI) Director Andy Zawacki, who takes Slashdot’s Robert Rozeboom into the facility where they keep the tanks with frozen people in them. Yesterday, Rob talked with David Ettinger, who is both the group’s lawyer and the son of CI founder Robert Ettinger. For those of you who are obsessed with the process of vitrification, here’s a link to a story about The Cryonics Institute’s 69th Patient and how she was taken care of, starting at the moment of her deanimation (AKA death). The story has anatomical drawings, charts, and color pictures of Andy carrying out the actual procedure. But Cryonics, while endorsed as a concept by numerous scientists, may not be as good a way to insure immortality as transplanting your brain into a fresh (probably robotic) body, as Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov hopes to do by 2035. There are also many groups that claim to offer spiritual (as opposed to corporeal) immortality. Which method of living forever works best? That remains to be seen, assuming any of them work at all. Perhaps we’ll find out after the Singularity.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
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