Lasrick writes “Maryn McKenna at Wired explores fears of a pandemic of MERS after October’s hajj to Saudi Arabia, the annual pilgrimage to Islam’s holy sites: ‘The reason is MERS: Middle East respiratory syndrome, a disease that has been simmering in the region for months. The virus is new, recorded in humans for the first time in mid-2012. It is dire, having killed more than half of those who contracted it. And it is mysterious, far more so than it should be—because Saudi Arabia, where the majority of cases have clustered, has been tight-lipped about the disease’s spread, responding slowly to requests for information and preventing outside researchers from publishing their findings about the syndrome.'”… Lasrick writes “Maryn McKenna at Wired explores fears of a pandemic of MERS after October’s hajj to Saudi Arabia, the annual pilgrimage to Islam’s holy sites: ‘The reason is MERS: Middle East respiratory syndrome, a disease that has been simmering in the region for months. The virus is new, recorded in humans for the first time in mid-2012. It is dire, having killed more than half of those who contracted it. And it is mysterious, far more so than it should be—because Saudi Arabia, where the majority of cases have clustered, has been tight-lipped about the disease’s spread, responding slowly to requests for information and preventing outside researchers from publishing their findings about the syndrome.'”
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