jamie writes “In a story on Thursday, Slashdot and its readers had a little fun at the expense of Al Gore, who was quoted as saying that the hurricane severity scale was going to go to 6. A correction was made the next day. The author of the piece that Slashdot linked now writes ‘I retract the balance of my criticism.’ Turns out Gore was misquoted. Luckily for Gore, this is the first time he’s been ridiculed for something he didn’t actually say. Well, except for Love Story, Love Canal, farm chores, and everyone’s favorite, inventing the internet. (The original Slashdot story is here and its central link now includes the Washington Post’s correction.)” From Ezra Klein’s update on his earlier piece: “I’m out-of-town and so away from my tape recorder. So I asked Gore’s staff about the line and they have Gore saying: ‘The scientists are now adding category six to the hurricane … some are proposing we add category 6 to the hurricane scale that used to be 1-5.’ That doesn’t offend my memory of the discussion and it’s entirely possible I missed Gore’s qualifying sentence while trying to keep up. If so, that’s my fault, and I apologize.”… jamie writes “In a story on Thursday, Slashdot and its readers had a little fun at the expense of Al Gore, who was quoted as saying that the hurricane severity scale was going to go to 6. A correction was made the next day. The author of the piece that Slashdot linked now writes ‘I retract the balance of my criticism.’ Turns out Gore was misquoted. Luckily for Gore, this is the first time he’s been ridiculed for something he didn’t actually say. Well, except for Love Story, Love Canal, farm chores, and everyone’s favorite, inventing the internet. (The original Slashdot story is here and its central link now includes the Washington Post’s correction.)” From Ezra Klein’s update on his earlier piece: “I’m out-of-town and so away from my tape recorder. So I asked Gore’s staff about the line and they have Gore saying: ‘The scientists are now adding category six to the hurricane … some are proposing we add category 6 to the hurricane scale that used to be 1-5.’ That doesn’t offend my memory of the discussion and it’s entirely possible I missed Gore’s qualifying sentence while trying to keep up. If so, that’s my fault, and I apologize.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Read more http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/B0e2BcLJCmw/story01.htm