waderoush writes “What do Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Oracle, LinkedIn, and Intuit have in common? They’re just a few of the tech companies whose campuses alongside San Francisco Bay could be underwater by mid-century as sea levels rise. It’s time for these organizations and other innovators to put some of their fabled brainpower into coming up with new ideas to counter the threat, Xconomy argues today. One idea: the Golden Gate Barrage, a massive system of dams, locks, and pumps located in the shadow of the iconic bridge. Taller than the Three Gorges Dam in China, it would be one of the largest and costliest projects in the history of civil engineering. But at least one Bay Area government official says might turn out to be the simplest way to save hundreds of square miles of land around the bay from inundation.”… waderoush writes “What do Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Oracle, LinkedIn, and Intuit have in common? They’re just a few of the tech companies whose campuses alongside San Francisco Bay could be underwater by mid-century as sea levels rise. It’s time for these organizations and other innovators to put some of their fabled brainpower into coming up with new ideas to counter the threat, Xconomy argues today. One idea: the Golden Gate Barrage, a massive system of dams, locks, and pumps located in the shadow of the iconic bridge. Taller than the Three Gorges Dam in China, it would be one of the largest and costliest projects in the history of civil engineering. But at least one Bay Area government official says might turn out to be the simplest way to save hundreds of square miles of land around the bay from inundation.”

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