snydeq writes “InfoWorld’s Bill Snyder writes of Verizon’s diabolical plan to to charge websites for carrying their packets — a strategy that, if it wins out, will be the end of the Internet as we know it. ‘Think of all the things that tick you off about cable TV. Along with brainless programming and crummy customer service, the very worst aspect of it is forced bundling. … Now, imagine that the Internet worked that way. You’d hate it, of course. But that’s the direction that Verizon, with the support of many wired and wireless carriers, would like to push the Web. That’s not hypothetical. The country’s No. 1 carrier is fighting in court to end the Federal Communications Commission’s policy of Net neutrality, a move that would open the gates to a whole new — and wholly bad — economic model on the Web.'”… snydeq writes “InfoWorld’s Bill Snyder writes of Verizon’s diabolical plan to to charge websites for carrying their packets — a strategy that, if it wins out, will be the end of the Internet as we know it. ‘Think of all the things that tick you off about cable TV. Along with brainless programming and crummy customer service, the very worst aspect of it is forced bundling. … Now, imagine that the Internet worked that way. You’d hate it, of course. But that’s the direction that Verizon, with the support of many wired and wireless carriers, would like to push the Web. That’s not hypothetical. The country’s No. 1 carrier is fighting in court to end the Federal Communications Commission’s policy of Net neutrality, a move that would open the gates to a whole new — and wholly bad — economic model on the Web.'”
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