Despite the number of companies shipping or promising them, smart watches aren’t the easiest sell, and Ars Technica’s review of Samsung’s entry illustrates why. Despite all the processing power inside, the watch is “sluggish” even for the kind of at-a-glance convenience features that are touted as the reason to have a phone tethered to an (even smarter) phone, and for the most part seems to weakly imitate features already found on that phone. There are a few features called out as cool, like a media control app, but for the most part reviewer Rob Amadeo finds little compelling in the Galaxy Gear…. Despite the number of companies shipping or promising them, smart watches aren’t the easiest sell, and Ars Technica’s review of Samsung’s entry illustrates why. Despite all the processing power inside, the watch is “sluggish” even for the kind of at-a-glance convenience features that are touted as the reason to have a phone tethered to an (even smarter) phone, and for the most part seems to weakly imitate features already found on that phone. There are a few features called out as cool, like a media control app, but for the most part reviewer Rob Amadeo finds little compelling in the Galaxy Gear.

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