Month: March 2006

Debian Shoutcast Server

This howto will describe how you can easily setup a shoutcast server with any linux distribution (in this example we used Debian, but it's almost the same with any distro). With shoutcast you can broadcast any song that winamp / xmms play (mp3, wav etc) and broadcast to server via nullsoft shoutcast DSP plugin for…

Linux Load Balancing Cluster

    Linux Load Balancing Cluster HowTo is a document that describes how you can  create a failover cluster of Linux machines that acts as a load balancing mechanism between the real network and groups of other machines (real servers).     This setup will help someone to achieve high availability in many services plus the ability…

MySQL Cluster Server Setup HowTo

Introduction MySQL Cluser Server is a fault-tolerant, redundant, scalable database architecture built on the open-source MySQL application, and capable of delivering 99.999% availability. In this paper we describe the process we used to setup, configure, and test a three-node mySQL cluster server in a test environment….

Solaris Software Raid HowTo

This how to guide shows how to mirror two disks,  including the root and swap slices. The guide has been tested with Solaris Volume Manager on Solaris 9/10. It should work basically the same for all Solaris versions with Solstice DiskSuite…    …