Day: August 19, 2013

In your face! Bow tie flashes when people get too close

The Personal Space Defender is a 3D-printed bow tie that flashes LEDs when people get too close for comfort…….

Seven problems with current OLED televisions

Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) is the most exciting display technology since plasma, but there are a few things it needs to overcome before hitting the mainstream…….

The 404 1,324: Where we get a case of the McMondays (podcast)

Bridget Carey starts a week of misfit episodes of The 404. On today’s episode, we’ll dive into the world of fast food regrets, feed Zuckerberg a spoonful of his own medicine, and discuss the latest tech trend: self-gifting…….

HTC One Developer Edition to jump directly to Android 4.3

HTC’s president of global sales says Jelly Bean 4.3 offers more benefits…….

How much mazuma does it take to not be Oracle?

$10m, says Clustrix, as it splits its database from hardware……

Adobe tries to simplify mobile viewing of Connect Web meetings

The latest version of the Adobe Connect Web conferencing system can automate the conversion of recorded Web meetings to an industry standard format for easier availability on mobile devices…….

Jekyll Test Attack Sneaks Through Apple App Store, Wreaks Havoc

An anonymous reader writes “A malware test app sneaked through Apple’s review process disguised as a harmless app, and then re-assembled itself into an aggressive attacker even while running inside the iOS ‘sandbox’ designed to isolate apps and data from each other. The app, dubbed Jekyll, was helped by Apple’s review process. The malware designers,…

Opscode adds networking to Chef management capabilities

Opscode has teamed up with Cisco Systems and Arista Networks to add networking features and has expanded its collaboration with Microsoft to broaden Windows integration for its renamed Enterprise Chef platform…….

Oracle unveils HTML5-based mobile BI app designer

Oracle is latching onto the self-service BI (business intelligence) trend with a new tool for creating HTML5-based mobile applications…….

Google says UK privacy laws don’t apply to Safari cookies dispute

Google has told British consumers in a privacy claim that it does not have to answer to English courts and U.K. privacy laws don’t apply to it, according to the law firm for the plaintiffs…….