Day: August 21, 2013

Smart spoon helps stabilize Parkinson’s tremors

Lift Labs out of San Francisco says its patented Liftware Spoon will be available next month…….

US Gov’t To Issue Secure Online IDs

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes “Tom Groenfeldt reports in Forbes that the U.S. Postal Service has awarded a contract to SecureKey to implement the Federal Cloud Credential Exchange (FCXX) designed to enable individuals to securely access online services at multiple federal agencies — such as health benefits, student loan information, and retirement benefit information —…

Manning’s lawyer plans presidential pardon campaign, says client will appeal

Assange declares ‘tactical victory’ from his Ecuadorian broom closet……

US court rules masking IP address to access blocked Website violates law

But the verdict is probably far narrower in its implications that some believe. Still, it’s a troubling decision about a controversial law…….

Is the Stable Linux Kernel Moving Too Fast?

darthcamaro writes “Yesterday the stable Linux 3.10 kernel was updated twice — an error was made, forcing a quick re-issue. ‘What happened was that a patch that was reported to be broken during the RC [release candidate] review process, went into the release, because I mistakenly didn’t pull it out in time,’ Greg Kroah-Hartman said….

See the blue moon from around the world

While there are many full moons in a year, there’s something special about the rare occurrence of a blue moon. We think you’ll agree after seeing these photographs…….

Wait, what? Yahoo tops Google in US traffic

Yahoo bumps Google from the top spot on ComScore’s top 50 Internet properties list, a position held by Google since 2008…….

HP’s Whitman: Revenue growth in fiscal 2014 is unlikely

Describing 2013 as HP’s ongoing “fix and rebuild year,” Whitman initially hinted during the conference call that 2014 will produce better numbers…….

Apple said to have plucked Levis executive to run U.S. retail

Apple’s hired a former Levis retail executive to help it run its retail operations in the U.S., according to a new report…….

HP taps software hot-shot to run enterprise hardware

Dontelli gets a ‘special assignment’ to find new tech……