Day: August 22, 2013

Makerbot Desktop 3D Scanner Goes On Sale

dryriver writes with this excerpt from the BBC about the latest device from Makerbot: “A desktop device that can quickly scan objects so they can be replicated using a 3D printer has gone on sale. The Makerbot Digitizer, which costs $1,400 (£900), will be shipped to the first buyers in October. Demand for the machine…

Let it be: Dentist wants to clone John Lennon from tooth DNA

Michael Zuk, a Canadian dentist, has already bought one of John Lennon’s teeth. Next step: clone the rest…….

Open Source Mapping Software Shows Every Traffic Death On Earth

cartechboy writes “Traffic deaths are set to outpace AIDS/HIV and malaria in the developing world, so the UN is trying to change that perception. This shocking open source, interactive map of crash data from the Pulitzer Center ought to help. It’s grisly, but very informative. The mapping was produced by Pulitzer Center journalists using open…

NASDAQ halts stock trading, citing data-feed glitch

Apple, Microsoft shares affected by trading suspension……

NASDAQ Trading Halted Due To Technical Issue

barlevg writes “The Wall Street Journal reports that trading was halted midday Thursday due to an as-yet unnamed technical issue. Says SEC spokesperson John Nester, ‘We are monitoring the situation and in are close contact with the exchanges.’”……

Amazon tightens grip on cloud market, report shows

Data reveals cloud inferiority complex in other vendors……’s Slave and Helicopter-Powered Internet

theodp writes “As reported earlier on Slashdot, Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday announced the launch of, ‘a global partnership with the goal of making internet access available to the next 5 billion people,’ including ‘those who cannot currently afford it.’ So it’s especially bizarre that just a few days ago, carried a FAQ which…

Kim Kardashian’s bosom pal in bling snatch Instagram unpleasantness

‘Punk’ swooped after posh nosh wristy app snap -……

Google cursed its own phones with wacked Wi-Fi, say Nexus users

Android 4.3 a backward step for some……

Fukushima Actually Much Worse Than So Far Disclosed, Say Experts

PuceBaboon writes “The BBC is reporting that experts are casting doubt on the veracity of statements from both the Tokyo Electric Power Company and the Japanese government regarding the seriousness of the problems at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Not only are the constant leaks releasing radioactivity into the ocean (and thus into the food…