Day: August 26, 2013

Google’s Schmidt calls out Oracle chief over Android

The company’s executive chairman says that Larry Ellison’s claims about Android are “simply untrue” and calls for patent reform…….

libtiff 3.9.5 Integer Overflow

libtiff versions 3.9.5 and below suffer from an integer overflow vulnerability…….

VMware teams with Savvis to expand vCloud footprint

New York and Chicago first, hints suggest rest of world real soon now……

Craving attention? Turn heads with these video earrings

Pop a pair of 2-inch screens on your lobes and see what happens…….

VMware’s NSX, partners aim to surround Cisco

VMware has partnered with Cisco’s biggest rivals to spread its NSX virtualized networking platform around data centers…….

It’s war! Siri mocks Google Glass

Try saying “OK Glass” to Siri and she now offers responses that are barbed with a tinge of contempt…….

What Surface RT flop? Nokia said to be readying WinRT slab for September

Finnish firm not one to turn down a dare……

How Deadbeat Facebook Friends and Using ALL-CAPS Can Lower Your Credit Score

McGruber writes “CNN has the news that some financial lending companies claim that Facebook social connections can be a good indicator of a person’s creditworthiness. One company determines if you are friends with someone who was late paying back a loan; if so, that is bad news for you. It is even worse news if…

Facebook Gifts ditches the teddy bear

The social network will no longer sell physical gifts, Gazelle offers new deal for selling used iPhones, and Apple may also start buying back old iPhones…….

The 404 1,329: Where we’re black and red all over (podcast)

The pale knight returns! Jeff’s back in the studio and recaps his sunny vacation in Aruba with the family. We’ll also debate the decision to cast Ben Affleck as Batman and learn about a Web site that helps people escape the Internet…….