Day: August 28, 2013

Google+ Hangouts HD and the rise of good enough telepresence

It’s no coincidence that global enterprise video conferencing sales are tanking as Google and others step up their game…….

Study Suggests Violent Video Games May Make Teens Less Violent

barlevg writes “A new paper is out in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence which shows no positive correlation between playing violent video games and acts of aggression. The study of 377 children with attention deficit and depressive symptoms in fact showed a slight negative correlation between video game-playing and aggressive behavior such as bullying,…

Snapchat names, aliases and phone numbers obtainable via Android API, say researchers

According to a Snapchat Security Advisory published by Australian researchers, Snapchat names, aliases and phone numbers can be discovered and harvested via the Snapchat Android API even if an account is private…….

How the Syrian Electronic Army took out the New York Times and Twitter sites

The short, snappy answer is: “All too easily.” Here’s how it appears to have happened…….

Apple tries to trademark the term ‘startup’

Filings hints at educational services in Apple Stores……

Nintendo 2DS handheld targets new crowd

The Wii U Deluxe and Nexus 4 drop in price, Nintendo’s portable system takes a new shape, and Angry Birds “Go” after Mario Kart…….

Mini-Brains Grown In the Lab

fustakrakich sends news that researchers from the Austrian Academy of Sciences have used embryonic stem cells to grow a tiny human brain in a laboratory. The miniature brain, roughly the size of a pea, is at the same level of development as that of a 9-week-old fetus. From the BBC: “They used either embryonic stem…

Woz: Apple may have to build a non-iPhone phone

In an interview, Apple’s co-founder offers up the “almost treasonous” idea that Apple should work with Chinese partners to create a totally different phone…….

World’s fastest man-made spinning object clocks in at 600 million rpm

Scientists at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland spun a man-made sphere of calcium carbonate at 600 millions revolutions per minute…….

Bragging rights for iPad app: First code in Smithsonian design museum

The Smithsonian’s national design museum adds an iPad app to its collection. But how do you exhibit and preserve software? Apparently, the same way you run a panda breeding program…….