Day: September 11, 2013

Gentoo Linux Security Advisory 201309-04

Gentoo Linux Security Advisory 201309-4 – A buffer overflow in Snack could result in execution of arbitrary code or Denial of Service. Versions less than 2.2.10-r5 are affected…….

Debian Security Advisory 2755-1

Debian Linux Security Advisory 2755-1 – Rainer Koirikivi discovered a directory traversal vulnerability with ‘ssi’ template tags in python-django, a high-level Python web development framework…….

Mandriva Linux Security Advisory 2013-230

Mandriva Linux Security Advisory 2013-230 – GNOME Display Manager before 2.21.1 allows local users to change permissions of arbitrary directories via a symlink attack on /tmp/.X11-unix/. The updated packages have been patched to correct this issue…….

Debian Security Advisory 2754-1

Debian Linux Security Advisory 2754-1 – It was discovered that exactimage, a fast image processing library, does not correctly handle error conditions of the embedded copy of dcraw. This could result in a crash or other behaviour in an application using the library due to an uninitialized variable being passed to longjmp…….

Red Hat Security Advisory 2013-1256-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2013-1256-01 – The flash-plugin package contains a Mozilla Firefox compatible Adobe Flash Player web browser plug-in. This update fixes four vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player. These vulnerabilities are detailed in the Adobe Security bulletin APSB13-21, listed in the References section. Specially-crafted SWF content could cause flash-plugin to crash or, potentially, execute…

IDC: Trade-in programs helping tablet shipments surpass PCs this winter

The complete computing market is not expected to grow as much this year, but tablets are making a big leap on their own anyway…….

Virgin America, GoGo announce new, faster in-flight hybrid Wi-Fi system

Airplanes were once, for a while, a place where you could guarantee no cell service or Internet connectivity for the duration of your flight. Not any more…….

Galaxy Gear goes glam with smartwatch accessories

Samsung partners with designer Dana Lorenz to launch jewelry at New York Fashion Week to accompany its newest devices…….

Apple TV, TiVo to stream video in new ways

New cloud-sharing features are expected in Apple TV and TiVo, leaked images provide a hint of a new Kindle Fire, and Ink provides an alternative to Apple’s now-defunct Cards app…….

VCs Doerr and Khosla on gov’t snooping: It’s a tradeoff

Tech luminaries Vinod Khosla, John Doerr, offer measured support for government surveillance programs meant to bolster national security…….