Day: September 12, 2013

IETF Floats Draft PRISM-Proof Security Considerations

hypnosec writes “PRISM-Proof Security Considerations, a draft proposal to make it harder for governments to implement and carry out surveillance activities like PRISM, has been floated by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The draft highlights security concerns as a result of government sponsored PRISM-like projects and the security controls that may be put into…

Awesome fire-breathing dragon is world’s largest walking robot

At 30 feet tall and 51 feet long, Tradinno is a gargantuan mechatronic beast you don’t want to mess with…….

‘Iron Man: A Film by Mark Wahlberg’: Superhero with a Boston accent

It’s Iron Man, with a South Boston flair. Amusing video by comedy site Official Comedy spoofs actor Wahlberg as superhero Tony Stark…….

Twitter announces it’s going public, via Twitter

Curt babblechat service wants your gold……

It’s official: Twitter has filed an IPO

Naturally, the micro-blogging giant went public with the news about going public via a single Tweet…….

NSA disguised itself as Google to spy, say reports

If a recently leaked document is any indication, the US National Security Agency — or its UK counterpart — appears to have put on a Google suit to gather intelligence…….

How to make your iPhone 5 more like an iPhone 5S

With a few strategic apps, a little imagination, and perhaps even a dab of paint, you can transform your iPhone 5 into a gold star…….

Twitter says it has filed for an IPO

In a tweet, Twitter said it has “confidentially submitted” an S-1 to the SEC for an IPO…….

First Gear Mechanism Discovered In Nature

GameboyRMH writes “A gear mechanism has been discovered [paywalled original paper here, for those with access] for the first time in nature in the nymph of the Issus, a small plant-hopping insect common in Europe. It uses the gears to synchronize the movement and power of its hind legs, forcing the legs to propel it…

Microsoft seeks iPad trade-ins

The software giant is launching a limited-time iPad trade-in offer in its brick-and-mortar Microsoft Stores…….