Day: September 15, 2013

German Data Protection Expert Warns Against Using iPhone5S Fingerprint Function

dryriver writes “Translated from Der Spiegel: Hamburg Data-Protection Specialist Johannes Caspar warns against using iPhone 5S’s new Fingerprint ID function. ‘The biometric features of your body, like your fingerprints, cannot be erased or deleted. They stay with you until the end of your life and stay constant — they cannot be changed. One should thus…

Don’t blame the corporations for the surveillance state

If the law of the land requires Microsoft or Google or Facebook to surrender data about their customers then that’s what they have to do. They’re victims of the situation…….

FISA Court Will Release More Opinions Because of Snowden

cold fjord sends this news from the Washington Post: “Call it the Edward Snowden effect: Citing the former NSA contractor, a federal judge has ordered the government to declassify more reports from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. In an opinion from the FISC itself, Judge F. Dennis Saylor on Friday told the White House…

The iPhone 5C and the youth factor

The iPhone 5C has drawn sneers because it’s not the low-cost device the tech industry expected. Here’s why Apple had something different up its sleeve…….

Tooth Cavities May Protect Against Cancer

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes “John Gever reports at MedPage Today on a new study conducted by researchers from the University of Buffalo, which found that people with more cavities in their teeth are 32 percent less likely to suffer from head and neck cancers. ‘To our knowledge, the present study suggests, for the first…

Obscure American Car: Lincoln Versailles

Dan Duncan provides us with a look back at some obscure American metal. This time it’s the Lincoln Versailles’ time in the spotlight…….

‘Liberator’ 3D printed gun enters London’s V A Museum

Luvvies say dud design is “turning point in debates around digital manufacturing”……

Two Birmingham Men Are Arrested By UK’s New Intellectual Property Crime Unit

cervesaebraciator writes “The Guardian reports that the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit has arrested two men from Birmingham and have seized ‘suspected counterfeit DVD box sets worth around £40,000, including titles such as Game of Thrones, CSI and Vampire Diaries.’ The claim is that the men were buying foreign counterfeit copies and selling them online…

Image Uploader Shell Upload

Image Uploader by Neturf suffers from a remote shell upload vulnerability…….

Feature-Rich FreeBSD 10 Alpha Released

An anonymous reader writes “The first alpha release of FreeBSD 10.0 is now available for download. FreeBSD 10 features include replacing GCC with LLVM/Clang, VPS support, an AMD Radeon KMS support, Raspberry Pi support, Bhyve for HVN virtualization, and ARM EABI support.”……