Day: September 18, 2013

Google Tackles Health

Google has announced the formation of a new company called Calico, which aims to promote health and fight aging. Larry Page said, “That’s a lot different from what Google does today. And you’re right. But as we explained in our first letter to shareholders, there’s tremendous potential for technology more generally to improve people’s lives….

Grand Theft Auto V earns record-breaking $800M in 24 hours

Take-Two Interactive, the publisher of Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto series, announced the astonishing number this morning, marking its biggest video game launch in the history of the company…….

McAfee: And the most dangerous cyber celebrity is…

Actress Lily Collins may be gorgeous, talented, and have a famous rocker for a dad, but searching for her online can apparently lead your computer down a not-so-pretty path…….

CyanogenMod goes from hobby Android to business Android

Want the latest Android but your device manufacturer or carrier won’t give it to you or support it? CyanogenMod can help…….

Service adds 360-degree images to e-commerce sites

RotaryView offers a cost-effective, self-service approach to displaying products online…….

AT&T launches new enterprise API library for cloud-based video access

AT&T is betting big on a forecast that APIs in the telco industry will grow balloon into $157 billion in global revenues by 2018…….

The iPhone 5S proves Apple hasn’t lost its touch

The Touch ID fingerprint scanner shows that Apple can still lead the way in establishing new mainstream features on computing devices…….

Facebook adopts iOS 7 aesthetics and tabs in new app

Bottoms up. Facebook for iPhone flips the script when it comes to navigating around the social network from your smartphone…….

The 404 1,345: Where we go toe to toe with the Apple iPhone 5S (podcast)

Due for an upgrade but still on the fence about the new iPhones? Press the play button on today’s episode, as CNET Editor Scott Stein brings by the new Apple iPhone 5S and 5C along with some behind-the-scenes look at the testing process. You’ll learn about True Tone flash, the Touch ID fingerprint scanner, iOS…

IBM VP Talks About Another $1 Billion for Linux Development (Video)

Brad McCredie is an IBM VP, and head of IBM’s Power Systems development. (He’s also one of the mere few hundred IBM Fellows that have been named in the past 50 years.) He pointed out in his keynote at this year’s LinuxCon gathering that IBM has been adopting and supporting Linux (and associated software, like…