Day: October 2, 2013

French police move from Windows to Ubuntu Linux

The big reason the French Gendarmerie made the Linux move? It saved them 40 percent in total cost of ownership over Windows…….

How to truly welcome our new computer overlords

We’ve heard before that machines can implement human abilities, but MIT’s Thomas Malone examines the ways in which they can boost us most effectively…….

iPad 5 set to outpace iPad Mini 2 shipments, KGI says

Expect to see plenty of iPad 5s in the fourth quarter but not many second-generation iPad Minis, an analyst predicts…….

NSA Abandoned Project To Track Cell Phone Locations

barlevg writes “The Washington Post reports that NSA director Gen. Keith Alexander testified before the Senate about an experimental NSA program to track location data from cell phones in 2011, but abandoned it because it lacked ‘the operational value’ it needed. It was not made clear what ‘operation value’ they were seeking. Alexander said, ‘the…

US spy court says internet firms can’t report surveillance requests

Claims giving out more info would threaten national security……

The 404 1,355: Where everyone needs an Aunt Jill (podcast)

We dare Aunt Jill Schlesinger to explain the government shutdown, Obamacare, and the debt ceiling in under an hour…….

California Outlaws ‘Revenge Porn’

coondoggie writes “Call it a modern day love story: Boy meets girl; they ‘like’ each other; they privately sext naked pics of each other to celebrate; girl loses interest, breaks it off; guy responds by posting previously private pics to Internet site specializing in revenge; girl has little recourse, suffers much humiliation, ridicule. There is…

Online vicemart Silk Road shut by Feds

Lax security practises fingerer founder Dread Pirate Roberts……

iPhone game controllers cropping up

Photos hint at the first video game controllers for iOS devices, Nintendo reveals new details on upcoming Wii U games, and Microsoft brings the Windows 95 game ‘Hover!’ back to life…….

Craigslist ad offers DC Capitol sublet for $1,000

A Craigslist posting offers the currently empty Washington Capitol building for sublet. Just $1,000. A bargain, no?……