Day: October 21, 2013

Two reasons Apple might make its own iPad keyboard cover

Accessories for mobile devices generate big revenue, and a keyboard is a must-have accessory for business users of tablets. You can do the math on Apple’s next big accessory for the iPad…….

11m Chinese engulfed by ‘Airpocalypse’ 4000% of safe pollution levels

Schools, airports close, traffic snarls as killing cloud shrinks visibility to 10 meters……

A Live Map of Ongoing DDoS Attacks

Daniel_Stuckey writes “Check out the Digital Attack Map. It was produced in a collaborative effort by Google Ideas and Arbor Networks to raise awareness about distributed denial of service attacks. You know, those malicious digital attempts to choke, or shutdown websites by sending them volumes of traffic far too large for them to handle. The…

Google Maps charts new territory into enterprise

Google makes an aggressive pitch with its new Maps Engine Pro that the enterprise map can help guide businesses…….

The case for a Microsoft Surface-like keyboard for the iPad

The tablet is moving from second screen for keeping up to date on the move and consuming entertainment content to first screen for business and pleasure…….

Vacuum buying guide

Here’s where you’ll find everything you ever wanted to know about vacuum cleaners — and then some…….

Watch Apple’s slick video that helped convince Cupertino to approve its new HQ

In this rarely seen video, the people who are bringing Apple’s “spaceship” corporate office to life give viewers a behind-the-scenes look into its inception…….

Tablet shipments to rocket by 53 percent in 2014; PCs to decline

Is there any end to the flogging of the nearly-dead PC horse? Latest figures suggest not so much, as lower-priced devices across all categories are driving growth…….

Microsoft pulls problematic Windows RT update

The company works to fix an update that bricked some Surface RT tablets, Apple’s new iPhones head to more carriers, and Google’s Hangouts app offers free voice calls…….

One nightmarish sea creature is fun, but is two an invasion?

Another giant, ugly oarfish appears on a California beach. Experts say this is unheard of. What do these fish want from us?……