Day: May 27, 2018

Monsanto closes first startup deal in Brazil

The biotech giant is backing GrĂ£o Direto, a platform digitizing the grain buying and selling chain. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Why that Solo: A Star Wars Story cameo is the best thing in the movie – CNET

Spoilers: Wait, isn’t he dead?! …read more Source:: CNet

Are Google’s Cat-Loving Employees Killing Burrowing Owls?

An anonymous reader writes: Google’s employees started a group called GCat Rescue that traps feral cats and puts them up for adoption. (Though “less-friendly adult cats are neutered and released… The cats that are released are implanted with tracking chips, and an ear is notched so they can be identified.”) A public records request discovered…

The OnePlus 6 could have been nearly perfect if only… – CNET

Too bad ‘perfection’ often comes at a price. …read more Source:: CNet

A Li-Ion Booster Pack, Done Right

We’re all used to battery booster packs containing a Li-ion or Li-poly cell and a little inverter circuit, they are a standard part of 21st century daily survival for those moments when smartphone battery lives don’t perform as advertised. But how many of us have considered what goes into them, and further how many of…

A Classy SDR Chip, Decapped

If you are a regular searcher for exotic parts among the virtual pages of semiconductor supplies catalogs, you will have probably noticed that for a given function it is most often the part bearing the Analog Devices logo that is the most interesting. It may have more functionality, perhaps it will be of a higher…

Judge Backs Parents, Saying Their 30-Year-Old Son Must Move Out

“Attention geeks living in their parents’ basements!” writes PolygamousRanchKid , sharing this story from NPR: The promise of adventure didn’t do it. Neither did the lure of independence, or the weight of his 30 years. Instead, it took a judge to pry Michael Rotondo from his parents’ home. The couple won an eviction order against…

Flash your Libre Firmware with a Libre Programmer

Whether or not you personally agree with all the ideals of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), you’ve got to give them credit: they don’t mess around. They started by laying the groundwork for a free and open source operating system, then once that dream was realized, started pushing the idea of replacing proprietary BIOS firmware…

Atari Co-Founder Ted Dabney Dies at Age 81

An anonymous reader quotes Eurogamer: Atari co-founder Ted Dabney has died, according to a close friend. Historian Leonard Herman, who told Dabney’s story in an article for Edge magazine published in 2009, announced Dabney’s death in a post on Facebook… Dabney, who was born in San Francisco in 1937, was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in…

DIY Submersible Aims for Low Cost, Ease of Operation

If you’re like us, a body of water is a source of wonder and awe. The wonder comes from imagining what lies hidden below the surface, and the awe is from the fear of trying to find out and becoming one of those submerged objects on a permanent basis. So if you want to explore…