Day: June 24, 2018

Huge fireball lights up Russian skies – CNET

A meteor smacked into the atmosphere in the early morning hours, reminding many of a far more powerful event. …read more Source:: CNet

The Rise of the Video-Game Gambler

Among the more insidious gifts that video games have bestowed on modern culture is the loot box. The New Yorker: A loot box is like an in-game lottery ticket: for a small fee, involving real money, a player can purchase an assortment of items that promise to enhance the game experience. Loot boxes are an…

An Artsy and Functional LED Filament Lamp

Some projects end up being more objet d’art than objet d’utile, and we’re fine with that — hacks can be beautiful too. Some hacks manage both, though, like this study in silicon and gallium under glass that serves as a bright and beautiful desk lamp. There’s no accounting for taste, of course, but we really…

Volkswagen I.D. R EV demolishes overall Pikes Peak record – Roadshow

The prototype electric race car beat the previous Pikes Peak Hill Climb record by a full 15 seconds. …read more Source:: CNet

Supreme Court Says Cops Need To Get A Warrant To Get Your Phone Location Data

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

‘Snapdragon 1000’ Chip May Be Designed For PCs From the Ground Up

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 850 processor may be intended for PCs, but it’s still a half step — it’s really a higher-clocked version of the same processor you’d find in your phone. The company may be more adventurous the next time, though. From a report: WinFuture says it has obtained details surrounding SDM1000 (possibly Snapdragon 1000), a…

Tom Holland reveals the next Spider-Man movie’s title – CNET

Looks like the web head is going Far From Home. …read more Source:: CNet

Some Science Journals That Claim To Peer Review Papers Do Not Do So

A rising number of journals that claim to review submissions do not bother to do so. Not coincidentally, this seems to be leading some academics to inflate their publication lists with papers that might not pass such scrutiny. The Economist: Experts debate how many journals falsely claim to engage in peer review. Cabells, an analytics…

Modular Robotics That Can Make Themselves Into Anything

The greatest challenge of robotics is autonomy. Usually, this means cars that can drive themselves, a robotic vacuum that won’t drive down the stairs, or a rover on Mars that can drive on Mars. This project is nothing like that. Instead of building a robot with a single shape, this robot is made out of…

8 Months After a Surge of Complaints, Apple Announces a Repair Program For Its Flawed MacBooks and MacBook Pros

Casey Johnston, writing for The Outline: At long last, Apple admitted to its customers that its MacBook and MacBook Pro keyboard designs are so flawed and prone to sticking or dead keys, as originally reported by The Outline in October, and that it will cover the cost of repairs beyond the products’ normal warranty. The…