Day: July 14, 2018

Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL: Rumored specs, price, release date – CNET

Will Google play catch-up — or leapfrog the iPhone X? …read more Source:: CNet

The best augmented reality I saw this year was live theater funded by a liquor company – CNET

Commentary: Whiskey-sponsored immersive theater. Snickers escape rooms. Immersive branding is just getting started. …read more Source:: CNet

These might be the 2018 iPhone screen specs, and the Apple App Store turns 10 – CNET

The top iPhone headlines this week. …read more Source:: CNet

A Tale Of More Than One Amiga 1500

If you were an Amiga enthusiast back in the day, the chances are you had an Amiga 500, and lusted after a 2000 or maybe later a 3000. Later still perhaps you had a 600 or a 1200, and your object of desire became the 4000. The amusingly inept Commodore marketing department repackaged what was…

Major League Baseball Is Going Crypto

The blockchain gaming company Lucid Sight is partnering with Major League Baseball to launch MLB Crypto Baseball. Engadget’s Daniel Roberts explains: Ethereum, launched in 2015, is a decentralized platform for “smart contracts,” which are automated agreements for an exchange of value. It runs on a blockchain, the same peer-to-peer, immutable, public ledger technology that bitcoin…

Hope for Hutchins, Navy sinks contractor, there’s another Russian hacking scandal, and more

Also, make sure you update your Juniper kit quickly Roundup This week, when we weren’t watching the football and sobbing uncontrollably, we saw security headaches at NPM and Ticketmaster, and a priest in hot water with cybercrime charges.… …read more Source:: Register

Bandpass Filters from the CNC Mill

A bandpass allows a certain electrical signal to pass while filtering out undesirable frequencies. In a speaker bandpass, the mid-range speaker doesn’t receive tones meant for the tweeter or woofer. Most of the time, this filtering is done with capacitors to remove low frequencies and inductors to remove high frequencies. In radio, the same concept…

Montezuma’s Revenge still too tough for AI, new Google Brain office, and other bits and bytes

A wonderful week in machine learning Roundup Hello, here are some quick AI announcements from this week. A researcher reminds us to be wary of the hype around Montezuma’s Revenge, there are some new framework updates from Google and Microsoft, and a new Google Brain office in Amsterdam.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

The best dehumidifiers you can install yourself – CNET

Find out which dehumidifier you should buy — and why. …read more Source:: CNet

Amazon’s Share of the US Ecommerce Market Is Now 49 Percent

New numbers from researchers at eMarketer reveal that Amazon is set to clear $258.22 billion in U.S. retail sales in 2018, “which will work out to 49.1 percent of all online retail spend in the country, and 5 percent of all retail sales,” reports TechCrunch. From the report: It started as an online bookstore, but…