Day: August 26, 2018

Didi Chuxing suspends carpooling service after passenger killed – CNET

20-year-old is second passenger to be killed in recent months. …read more Source:: CNet

Phone Numbers Were Never Meant as ID. Now We’re All At Risk

One key lesson from the recent T-Mobile and several other breaches: our phone numbers, that serve as a means to identity and verify ourselves, are increasingly getting targeted, and the companies are neither showing an appetite to work on an alternative identity management system, nor are they introducing more safeguards to how phone numbers are…

Only 1 in 3 Publishers Sees a Clear Traffic Boost From Google’s AMP

As Google pushes its AMP (accelerated mobile pages) project among publishers, assuring them of the traffic and efficiency gains, a new research finds some shortcomings in that promise. Web analytics service Chartbeat writes: Chartbeat, together with The Daily Beast, collaborated on a two-part research study to rigorously quantify the effect of adopting the Google-backed Accelerated…

Perf Board Pyrotechnics Courtesy of a High-Voltage Supply

You may have asked yourself at one time or another, “Self, what happens when you pass 100 thousand volts through a printed circuit board?” It’s a good question, and [styropyro] put together this fascinating bit of destructive testing to find out. Luckily, [styropyro] is well-positioned to explore the high-voltage realm. His YouTube stock-in-trade is lasers,…

Those Sharp Objects finale post-credits scenes, explained – CNET

The TV miniseries, like the novel it’s based on, races toward the climax, so we clear up some confusion about the finale and how we got there. …read more Source:: CNet

Videogame Developers Are Making It Harder To Stop Playing

Videogames have gotten harder to turn off, mental-health experts and parents say, raising concerns about the impact of seemingly endless gaming sessions on players’ lives. From a report: Game developers for years have tweaked the dials not only on how games look and sound but how they operate under the hood, and such changes have…

Bill Gates Argues ‘Supply and Demand’ Doesn’t Apply To Software

“Not enough people are paying attention to this economic trend,” writes Bill Gates, challenging the widespread use of forecasts and policies based on a “supply and demand” economic model. An anonymous reader quotes the Gates Notes blog: Software doesn’t work like this. Microsoft might spend a lot of money to develop the first unit of…

Cyber defence goes missing in Australian Cabinet reshuffle

Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s new ministry cuts the Australian government’s focus on cybersecurity at exactly the time it needs it most. …read more Source:: ZDNet

You Can Add Wireless Charging to iPhone… Kinda

We could watch cellphone teardown videos all day long. There’s something pleasing about seeing how everything is packed into such a small enclosure. From the connectors, to that insidious glue, to the minuscule screws, [Scotty Allen] has a real knack for giving us a great look at the teardown process. Take a look at his…

Star Wars, explained by someone who’s (gasp) never seen it – CNET

“That big hairy creature? I don’t know his name. The short, wrinkly green guy with enormous ears? I thought he was in Lord of the Rings.” …read more Source:: CNet