Day: September 2, 2018

How Linux’s Kernel Developers ‘Make C Less Dangerous’

Hewlett-Packard’s Enterprise blog summarizes a talk by Linux kernel developer Kees Cook at the North America edition of the 2018 Linux Security Summit. Its title? “Making C Less Dangerous.” “C is a fancy assembler. It’s almost machine code,” said Cook, speaking to an audience of several hundred peers, who understood and appreciated the application speed…

Will Unpredictable ‘Franken-Algorithms’ Have Deadly Consequences and Make Programmers Obsolete?

Zorro (Slashdot reader #15,797) summarizes a new article in the Guardian: The death of a woman hit by a self-driving car highlights an unfolding technological crisis, as code piled on code creates “a universe no one fully understands.” “In some ways we’ve lost agency. When programs pass into code and code passes into algorithms and…

IFA 2018’s quirky and cool gadgets – CNET

Cow trackers, chess bots and pleasure givers; the tech confab has its share of interesting products. …read more Source:: CNet

Talk To The Faucet

Your hands are filthy from working on your latest project and you need to run the water to wash them. But you don’t want to get the taps filthy too. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just tell them to turn on hot, or cold? Or if the water’s too cold, you could tell…

Google Funds A Starfish-Killing Robot To Save Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

“It looks like a tiny yellow submarine, but this underwater drone is on a mission to kill,” reports ABC. Specifically, to kill the starfish that are destroying coral on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. An anonymous reader quotes ABC: In a bid to eradicate the pest, Queensland researchers have developed world-first robots to administer a lethal…