Day: September 21, 2018

See a freaky gulper eel open wide in rare video – CNET

Exploration Vessel Nautilus had a crazy sighting of a creature that looks like an undersea muppet. …read more Source:: CNet

Android turns 10: Google’s fierce iPhone rival had a stumbling start – CNET

My, has Google’s mobile operating system come a long way since Larry Page and Sergey Brin introduced the first Android phone, the T-Mobile G1. …read more Source:: CNet

David Patterson Says It’s Time for New Computer Architectures and Software Languages

Tekla S. Perry, writing for IEEE Spectrum: David Patterson — University of California professor, Google engineer, and RISC pioneer — says there’s no better time than now to be a computer architect. That’s because Moore’s Law really is over, he says : “We are now a factor of 15 behind where we should be if…

Easy GUI Front Ends for Arduino, Rasberry Pi, and More with MyOpenLab

If you want to integrate a nice graphical interface with a microcontroller or single-board computer for a useful piece of custom equipment, how will you go about it? MyOpenLab is a platform that makes it easy to design virtual interfaces your electronic builds. If you want controls and readouts for Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Android, or…

Giant Spiderweb Cloaks Land in Aitoliko, Greece

An anonymous reader shares a report: Warmer weather conditions in western Greece have led to the eerie spectacle of a 300m-long spiderweb in Aitoliko. A vast area of greenery has been covered by the web, reports the Daily Hellas. Experts say it is a seasonal phenomenon, caused by Tetragnatha spiders, which can build large nests…

Adopt a life-size Star Wars porg … in Lego form – CNET

Using 811 Lego pieces, build a porg with a moveable mouth and flapping wings. Scream not included. …read more Source:: CNet

One lucky Fortnite fan will get to squad up with Ninja and Travis Scott – CNET

And a handful of people will get $5,249 worth of Samsung gear. …read more Source:: CNet

EU Justice Commissioner Quits Facebook, Describing Her Experience as ‘Channel of Dirt’

The European Commissioner for justice, consumers and gender equality shut down her Facebook account, describing her experience on the social network as a “channel of dirt.” From a report: At a news conference Thursday in Brussels, Vera Jourova said that she received an “influx of hatred” on the popular platform and decided to cancel her…

How an inflatable sex doll and an Xbox controller are changing the game – CNET

The first gay football game isn’t about scoring goals. It’s about caring for your teammates’ bodies. …read more Source:: CNet

Mercedes-AMG Project One hypercar now testing on public roads – Roadshow

Its engineers are making sure the car’s F1-derived tech is ready for “mass” production. …read more Source:: CNet