Day: November 12, 2018

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Christmas special coming to Netflix – CNET

Ho ho ho! The holiday special premieres Dec. 14. …read more Source:: CNet

Governments and tech giants commit to securing cyberspace in Paris – CNET

French president Emmanuel Macron announced a call to arms at the Paris Peace Forum, which has already been signed by Microsoft, Facebook and Google. …read more Source:: CNet

Buying clothes online is about to get super weird (The 3:59, Ep. 488) – CNET

A look at the Zozosuit, a new Amazon-Apple partnership and Alibaba’s Singles’ Day. …read more Source:: CNet

U.S. Chip Cards Are Being Compromised in the Millions

A full 60 million U.S. cards were compromised in the past 12 months. While 93 percent of those were EMV chip-enabled, merchants continued to use mag stripes. …read more Source:: Threatpost

Voice Tech Like Alexa and Siri Hasn’t Found Its True Calling Yet

An anonymous reader shares a report: As the holiday shopping season approaches, voice-powered smart speakers are again expected to be big sellers, adding to the approximately one-quarter to one-third of the U.S. population that already owns a smart speaker and uses a voice assistant at least once a month. Voice interfaces have been adopted faster…

What a quantum computer is, and why it needs to be more

It would be the harbinger of an entirely new medium of calculation, harnessing the inexplicable powers of subatomic particles to obliterate the barriers of time in solving incalculable problems. Your part in making it happen may simply be to convince yourself that black is white and up is down. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Avengers: Infinity War wins best movie at People’s Choice Awards – CNET

Superhero films dominate the win column, while California wildfires dominate the discussion. …read more Source:: CNet

Netflix reportedly testing cheaper plans as it seek more subscribers – CNET

The streaming service has over 137 million subscribers worldwide, but it wants more. …read more Source:: CNet

Toy Story 4 teaser trailer arrives, reveals Forky – CNET

Woody, Buzz and company will return next summer, with a new spork-turned-craft-project pal. …read more Source:: CNet

New Boom in Facial Recognition Tech Prompts Privacy Alarms

Tech advances are accelerating the use of facial recognition as a reliable and ubiquitous mass surveillance tool, privacy advocates warn. …read more Source:: Threatpost