Month: December 2018

A Journey Into the Solar System’s Outer Reaches, Seeking New Worlds To Explore

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft will visit a tiny and mysterious object in the Kuiper belt on Tuesday, seeking clues to the formation of our cosmic neighborhood. From a report: In June 1983, newspaper headlines declared that NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft had left the solar system, crossing beyond the orbit of Neptune. It was the common…

As China Option Fades, Bill Gates Urges US To Take the Lead in Nuclear Power, For the Good of the Planet

In his year-end letter, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates says his to-do list for 2019 includes persuading U.S. leaders to regain America’s leading role in nuclear energy research and embrace advanced nuclear technologies such as the concept being advanced by his own TerraPower venture. From a report: “The world needs to be working on lots of…

This Raspberry Pi Is A Stereo Camera And So Much More

Over the years we have featured a huge array of projects featuring the Raspberry Pi, but among them there is something that has been missing in all but a few examples. The Raspberry P Compute Module is the essentials of a Pi on a form factor close to that of a SODIMM module, and it…

Computer Virus Hits Newspapers Coast-to-Coast, Affects Printing

A computer virus hit newspaper printing plants in Los Angeles and at Tribune Publishing newspapers across the country. From a report: Tribune Publishing said Saturday night that malware affected its ability to print newspapers across its chain of outlets, including the Chicago Tribune, the New York Daily News, the Baltimore Sun and the Orlando Sentinel….

2019 Hyundai Santa Fe can use a fingerprint instead of a key – Roadshow

Will the system work with a severed finger? Asking for some friends. …read more Source:: CNet

Apple’s iPhone XR: Bad marketing or sneakily clever?

Do people know what the iPhone XR is for? Or is it serving its purpose, as one study suggests, in attracting Android users? …read more Source:: ZDNet

Ransomware suspected in cyberattack that crippled major US newspapers

Source inside Tribune Publishing says printing outage caused by Ryuk ransomware infection. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Prosecutors Request Prison Time For Executives

Long-time Slashdot reader reporter shared this article from NPR: The former chairman and two vice presidents of the Tokyo Electric Power Co. should spend five years in prison over the 2011 flooding and meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, Japanese prosecutors say, accusing the executives of failing to prevent a foreseeable catastrophe. Prosecutors say…

How Facebook Tracks Non-Users via Android Apps

Facebook tracks Android users via apps, even if they aren’t Facebook users. …read more Source:: Threatpost

3D-Printing Wankel Engine from Mazda’s Beloved “Rotary Rocket”

Although there was briefly a company called Rotary Rocket, the term is much better known as a nickname for the Mazda RX-7 — one of the few cars that used a Wankel, or rotary, engine. If you ever wondered how these worked, why not print a model? That’s what [Engineering Explained] did. They printed a…