Day: February 6, 2019

Squarespace’s Tanya Reilly to deliver keynote at Continuous Lifecycle London

More talks, workshops added as clock ticks on early bird tickets Events We’ve announced another tranche of speakers and workshops for Continuous Lifecycle London, giving you even more reasons to snap up our early bird tickets before they disappear at the end of the month.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Fujitsu pitched stalker-y AI that can read your social media posts as solution to Irish border, apparently

Me n tha bois gona smuggle loads 2nite lol #catchmeifucan In the UK’s quest to avoid a hard border with the Republic of Ireland, Fujitsu has reportedly pitched an artificial intelligence-driven process that analyses drivers’ journeys and even social media posts.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Google’s cash problem: There’s just so much of it

How many people are on your cloud platform again? It earns how much? Oh right, you’re not saying Analysis So much for the “Big Tech backlash”. The “surveillance” model of data slurping used by behavioural ad giants Google and Facebook has never been under such focus as it is today. And they’ve never made as…

Pictionary may provide AI with common sense

AI could transition from patterns to common sense through an after-dinner game, researchers say. …read more Source:: ZDNet

The pioneering bionic eyes restoring sight: How implantable tech is fighting blindness

An Australian collaboration is working on a less surgically invasive system to restore sight to people with retinitis pigmentosum. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Viasat: Huzzah, we’re going to the EU courts over airline broadband

Brussels court (no, not that one) comes up trumps for US biz Viasat, US arch-rival of British satellite comms biz Inmarsat, has claimed victory in a Belgian court during a bitter continent-wide legal row over the proposed EU Aviation Network for in-flight phone signal.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Apple Reaches Deal With France To Pay Estimated $571 Million In Back-Taxes

Apple has reached a deal with French authorities to pay an undeclared amount of back-dated tax. While the amount isn’t disclosed, French media suggest the sum is around $571 million (500 million euros). MacRumors reports: France has been working diligently to stop tech companies like Apple from exploiting tax loopholes in the country. The loopholes…

Not cool, man: Dixons spanked over discount on luxury ‘smart’ fridge with wildly fluctuating price

10% off £3k! Great! Wait, now it’s £3,300? No, £4k. What? As if Dixons Carphone didn’t have bigger fish to fry, the UK’s ads watchdog has given the company a stern talking to over a misleading promotion for an exceedingly pricey Samsung fridge.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

The WiFi Phone That Respects Your Right To Repair

Phones are getting increasingly more complex, more difficult to repair, and phone manufacturers don’t like you tinkering with their stuff. It’s a portable version of a John Deere tractor in your pocket, and Apple doesn’t want you replacing a battery by yourself. What if there was a phone that respected your freedom? That’s the idea…

It’s 2019 so, of course, you can now (kinda) play Pictionary with dead Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen’s AI bot

Researchers claim Iconary will slowly teach machines sense What’s the latest game artificially intelligent software can play, you ask? Well, it’s Pictionary.… …read more Source:: TheRegister