Day: February 18, 2019

X-Rays and High Voltage Hack Chat

Join us on Wednesday at noon Pacific time for the X-rays and high-voltage Hack Chat! Fran Piernas likes to push the envelope a bit with projects that others might shy away from. A quick glance at his profile reveals a few of the exciting projects he’s been working on recently, including a DIY X-ray…

Court sees Morissette Meter flip out as Oracle assumes anti-arbitration stance in pay dispute

Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think? It is ironic that Oracle, which normally tries to make class-action suits “disappear into arbitration”, is now taking an anti-arbitration stance in a pay dispute, a judge in San Francisco said late last week.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Entry-Level SLA Printer Gets Upgrades, Prints Better

Fused-deposition modeling (FDM) printers have the lion’s share of the 3D-printing market, with cheap, easy-to-use printers slurping up thousands of kilos of filament every year. So where’s the challenge with 3D-printing anymore? Is there any room left to tinker? [Physics Anonymous] thinks so, and has started working on what might be the next big challenge…

Bill & Ted 3 teaser reminds us to ‘be excellent to each other’ – CNET

The Wyld Stallyns have a special Twitter message for fans. …read more Source:: CNet

Down productivity tools: Microsoft Teams takes a Monday tumble

If only Slack would go down too… Then we could all get some work done Microsoft’s collaborative Slack-alike, Teams, is having a difficult start to the week, with users unable to log in to share their hopes, dreams and Word documents with their co-workers.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

The Weird Rise of Cyber Funerals

Thanks to recent changes to privacy legislation in Europe and South Korea aimed at protecting the living, we now have more power than ever over our personal information — even from beyond the grave. While this may have felt like a gimmick in the past, cyber funerals — where our personal data is removed from…

UK Lawmakers Say Facebook Broke Rules, Should Be Regulated

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Australian Political Parties Hit By State Actor Hack

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Special Counsel Robert Mueller Questioned Ex-Cambridge Analytica Director

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Australia’s Major Political Parties Targeted by ‘Sophisticated State Actor’, Prime Minister Says

Australia’s major political parties have been targeted by a “sophisticated state actor”, according to Scott Morrison (Prime Minister of Australia), as part of a breach of the Parliament House computer network. From a report: The head of the Australian Cyber Security Centre, Alastair MacGibbon, says agencies were unsure what material had been taken in the…