Day: February 18, 2019

The best LED floodlights you can buy right now – CNET

There are more affordable — and better — BR30 LED floodlight options than ever before. Here are the best ones. …read more Source:: CNet

What is a CIO? Everything you need to know about the Chief Information Officer explained

What does a CIO do and how do they relate to the CTO and CDO? Everything you need to know about the role of the CIO. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Offline E-Paper Typewriter Lets You Write Without Distractions

Living and working online is not always easy, especially when it comes to staying focused. All it takes is a moment’s weakness to click on something you shouldn’t and fall down a time-wasting and creativity-killing rabbit hole. Imagine how the creative juices would come to a boil if it were not for the attractive nuisances…

2019 iPhone features: Here’s what Apple is preparing, says noted analyst

An expert with a track record for predicting Apple’s moves has set out 2019 iPhone, iPad, and MacBook plans. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Solder and Lego required: The Register builds a Project Alias gizmo to deafen Alexa

Second time lucky? Readers, we asked you what materials we should use to construct homebrew gadget Project Alias – which deafens smart speakers. 40 per cent demanded Lego.… …read more Source:: <a href= target="_self" title="Solder and Lego required: The Register builds a Project Alias gizmo to deafen Alexa” >TheRegister

Goldman Sachs Asks: ‘Is Curing Patients a Sustainable Business Model?’

Goldman Sachs analysts attempted to address a touchy subject for biotech companies, especially those involved in the pioneering “gene therapy” treatment: cures could be bad for business in the long run. “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” analysts ask in an April 10 report entitled “The Genome Revolution.” From a report: “The potential to…

Here’s why we need an iPhone SE 2 right now – CNET

Commentary: The gaping hole in Apple’s phone lineup has never been clearer. …read more Source:: CNet

AirPods, iPads and streaming: What we could see from a March Apple event – CNET

The two possible dates for Apple’s next big launch and why we may have to wait even longer to see those AirPods 2. …read more Source:: CNet

What did turbonerds do before the internet? 41 years ago, a load of BBS

Born in a storm of snow, killed off in a blizzard of TCP/IP: The Bulletin Board System While large chunks of the US used this year’s Snowmageddon to binge on streaming TV or tweet selfies with snowmen, take a moment to remember the Great Blizzard of 1978, which led to the first Bulletin Board Service…

Here come the riled MPs (keep private, huh?), Facebook’s a digital ‘gangster’ (‘disingen-u-ous’). Zuckerberg he is a failure (on sharing data)

Na-nana-nana-nana-nana..nanana…nanana…. nana nana* Calls for compulsory Code of Ethics Tech titans like Facebook, itself described as a “digital gangster”, continually fail to address the risks their platforms pose to democracy – so the British government should regulate, MPs have said.… …read more Source:: TheRegister