Day: February 27, 2019

Galaxy Fold, Huawei Mate X: Foldable phones are so tantalizingly close – CNET

Commentary: Foldables are stunning. Now if only the masses could get their hands on these cutting-edge devices. …read more Source:: CNet

OneWeb Wants To Rebuild the Internet in Space, Connecting Billions Not on the Web

Later today, the first six of OneWeb satellites are expected to be launched.[Editor’s note: the link may be paywalled; alternative source] from a remote launch site in French Guiana, a key step toward building out a constellation that could eventually reach nearly 2,000. From a report: If OneWeb’s founder Greg Wyler plans are successful, what…

Running Elasticsearch 1.4.2 or earlier? There’s targeted malware going for your boxen

Yes it’s years out of date but there’s no such thing as security through obscurity Cisco’s security limb has spotted nefarious people targeting Elasticsearch clusters using relatively ancient vulns to plant malware, cryptocurrency miners and worse – though it does root out some other cybercrims’ dodgy wares, cuckoo-style.… …read more Source:: Register

Put Samsung’s 250GB T5 SSD in your pocket for $69 – CNET

That’s a great deal on this top-rated portable drive. …read more Source:: CNet

You might see FedEx robots delivering packages this summer – CNET

SameDay Bots, roll out! …read more Source:: CNet

The Cassette Returns On a Wave of Nostalgia

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Pause. Stop. Rewind! The cassette, long consigned to the bargain bin of musical history, is staging a humble comeback. Sales have soared in the last year — up 125% in 2018 on the year before — amounting to more than 50,000 cassette albums bought in the…

Insane homeowners association tries to fine resident for dick-shaped outline car left in snow

Fails, obviously It turns out there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to whining about the US phenomenon of homeowners associations (or HOAs), and no gripe better encapsulates their draconian pettiness than the woman who reported being fined $100 for the tenuously dick-shaped outline her car left in melting frost.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Bronze Union APT Updates Remote Access Trojans in Fresh Wave of Attacks

The China-linked threat group has returned in 2018 using updated RATs to launch its attacks, including ZxShell, Gh0st RAT, and SysUpdate malware. …read more Source:: Threatpost

Cops told live facial recog needs oversight, rigorous trial design, protections against bias

How about only using face-scan tech if it, er, actually works, is the only option, eh? Cops should only use facial recognition tech if it is proven to be effective at identifying people, can be used without bias and is the only method available, a government advisory group has said.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Topher Grace co-creates spectacular Star Wars trailer supercut with all 8 movies – CNET

Prepare to get chills as the superfan strikes back. …read more Source:: CNet