Day: March 5, 2019

Two in five ‘AI startups’ have no AI, mega-survey of nearly 3k firms finds

One pint of beer please, Mr Barman. I am 18 today, honest! Like teenagers lying about their age to get served in a pub, tech startups are lying about their AI skills to get VC money.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

6 Questions to Ask While Buying a Connected Car

Here are six questions to keep in mind when you walk into the showroom to buy a networked car. …read more Source:: DarkReading

Screenshots of Microsoft’s coming Chromium-based Edge browser leak

Microsoft still has yet to release to external developers a first preview of its coming Chromium-based Edge browser. But it may be getting closer to its debut, if leaked screen shots of it are any indication. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Artificial Intelligence: The Terminator of Malware

Is it possible that the combination of AI, facial recognition, and the coalescence of global mass-hack data could lead us toward a Skynet-like future? …read more Source:: DarkReading

“Good Code Documents Itself” And Other Hilarious Jokes You Shouldn’t Tell Yourself

Code documentation — is there anything more exciting than spending your time writing extensive comments? If I had to guess, your answer is probably somewhere along the lines of “uhm, yes, everything is more exciting than that”. Plus, requesting to document your code is almost like an insult to your well thought out design, this…

Civil servants ‘Sir Humphrey’ their way through grilling on’s digital transformation

MPs ask for specifics, get evasive umming and erring British civil servants and ministers have been slammed for a “Sir Humphrey”* performance when grilled by MPs on differences in attitudes to tech across government and progress moving off legacy systems.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

40% of ‘AI Startups’ in Europe Don’t Actually Use AI, Claims Report

Two-fifths of Europe’s AI startups do not use any AI programs in their products, according to a report that highlights the hype around the technology. From a report: Out of 2,830 startups in Europe who were classified as being AI companies, only 1,580 accurately fit that description according to the eye-opening stat on page 99…

Mystery As Quadriga Crypto-Cash Goes Missing

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Controversial NSA Phone Data Collection Program Shut Down?

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Researchers Uncover Ring of GitHub Accounts Promoting 300+ Backdoored Apps

An anonymous reader writes: A security researcher has uncovered a ring of malicious GitHub accounts promoting over 300 backdoored Windows, Mac, and Linux applications and software libraries. The malicious apps contained code to gain boot persistence on infected systems and later download other malicious code — which appeared to be a “sneaker bot,” a piece…