Day: March 8, 2019

IDC: SANs and filers still alive and kicking… and cloud providers have capacity-stuffed tummies, apparently

Latest storage tracker’s out The latest quarterly storage systems tracker from industry analyst IDC revealed that hyperconverged uptake did not dent SAN and filer sales, although overall revenue for the sector saw a decent uptick.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Buffer Overflow Found In British Airways Entertainment Systems

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

809 Million Records Exposed By Email Marketing Giant

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

You can’t spell ‘financial’ without ‘a’ and ‘i’ – and you can’t build next-gen financial data systems without AI, either…

…As NetApp is all too happy to explain Sponsored AI is perhaps more important to the financial services sector than any other. As an industry built on data, where the right information at the right time can potentially make or lose millions, any extra analytical edge that a bank, insurance or investment company can gain…

The $50 Ham: Getting Your Ticket Punched

Today we start a new series dedicated to amateur radio for cheapskates. Ham radio has a reputation as a “rich old guy” hobby, a reputation that it probably deserves to some degree. Pick up a glossy catalog from DX Engineering or cruise their website, and you’ll see that getting into the latest and greatest gear…

Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls to break up Amazon, Google, Facebook – CNET

The presidential candidate says big tech companies are hurting small businesses. …read more Source:: CNet

RSA Conference 2019 Recap

From privacy to patches, Threatpost editors discuss the biggest infosec news and trends that they saw this week at RSA Conference 2019. …read more Source:: Threatpost

Spotify, Google, Pandora, Amazon Go To US Appeals Court To Overturn Royalty Increase

Spotify, Google, Pandora and Amazon have teamed up to appeal a controversial ruling by the U.S. Copyright Royalty Board that, if it goes through, would increase payouts to songwriters by 44%, Variety is reporting. From the report: A joint statement from the first three of those companies reads: “The Copyright Royalty Board (CRB), in a…

Microsoft Rolls Out New Skype for Web; Does Not Support Firefox, Safari, and Opera

Microsoft this week revamped Skype’s browser-based client with a slew of new features. From a report: The Seattle company this week announced the rollout of a major Skype for Web update, which introduces high-definition video calling, a redesigned notifications panels, a revamped media gallery, and more. It’s available on any PC running Windows 10 and…

Champagne corks undocked as SpaceX brings the Crew Dragon back to Earth

Cuddly Earth to stay in orbit. For now. SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft safely returned to the Earth today, dropping into the Atlantic Ocean following a successful mission to the International Space Station (ISS.)… …read more Source:: TheRegister