Day: March 16, 2019

Singapore public sector reports yet another security lapse

Following a spat of data breaches affecting healthcare patients in Singapore, this time, a server containing personal information of 808,201 blood donors was not properly secured by a third-party vendor, potentially exposing data such as blood type and national identification number. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Home Brewing Rig Gets A Particle Upgrade

Home brewing is a pastime that can be as much an art or a science as you make it, depending on your predilections. [Brandon Satrom] is one who leans very much towards the science side. There’s plenty that can be done to monitor and control a brew, and [Brandon] is one of many who have…

Scientists Call For Global Moratorium On Gene Editing of Embryos

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Leading scientists have called for a global moratorium on the use of powerful DNA editing tools to make genetically modified children. The move is intended to send a clear signal to maverick researchers, and the scientific community more broadly, that any attempt to rewrite the DNA…

Is Google’s Snorkel DryBell the future of enterprise data management?

Google, along with researchers at Stanford University and Brown University, have extended the open-source Snorkel tool to make it industrial-strength for enterprise machine learning. The work points the way to a path beyond traditional data integration. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Kamala Harris Introduces Bill To Send Millions To Local Governments For Tech Support

Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has introduced legislation that would allocate millions of dollars for local government to create dedicated teams that could “update and rebuild” government systems. The Verge reports: The United States Digital Service, an office established in 2014 after the widespread failures of, provides IT support for the federal…

Extracting Bismuth From Pepto Bismol

Bismuth is a very odd metal that you see in cosmetic pigments and as a replacement for lead, since it is less toxic. You will also see it — or an alloy — in fire sprinklers since it melts readily. However, the most common place you might encounter bismuth is Pepto Bismol — the ubiquitous…

Man Arrested For Selling One Million Netflix, Spotify, Hulu Passwords

Police in Australia have arrested a man who allegedly made AU $300,000 (US $211,000) running a website which sold the account passwords of popular online subscription services including Netflix, Spotify, Hulu, PSN, and Origin. From a report: The 21-year-old man was arrested on Tuesday in Sydney, Australia, following an international investigation by the FBI and…

ISPs Strike Deal With Vermont To Suspend State Net Neutrality Law

The state of Vermont has agreed to suspend enforcement of its net neutrality law pending the outcome of a lawsuit against the Federal Communications Commission. In October 2018, five industry groups representing major internet providers and cable companies sued Vermont seeking to block a state law barring companies that do not abide by net neutrality…

FCC opens up experimental spectrum licenses for 6G – CNET

5G has barely gotten off the ground, and US regulators are already looking to the next big thing in wireless. …read more Source:: CNet

Qualcomm moves forward with growth strategy in Brazil

The company has launched a locally-developed chipset and has chosen the location of its future semiconductor facility. …read more Source:: ZDNet