Day: April 30, 2019

Google Cloud grabs serving spoon, ladles instances loaded with Nvidia’s Tesla T4 GPUs

For the diner that wants to chow down on ML and analytics data but can’t stomach Tesla Volta V100 costs Google has become the first bringer of clouds to sell server instances equipped with Nvidia’s Tesla T4 GPUs in general availability.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

OpenGL Shaders And An LED Cube

Back in February at the Hacker Hotel camp in the Netherlands, among the many pieces of work around the venue was a rather attractive LED cube. Very pretty, but LED cubes have been done many times before. If a casual attendee had taken the time to ask though, they might have found something a little…

Facebook will be overrun by the dead in 2100, study says – CNET

The social network might soon be like a digital graveyard. …read more Source:: CNet

Cool cheap gifts for Mother’s Day 2019 – CNET

Score sweet deals on true wireless earbuds, pressure cookers, Apple Watches, digital photo frames and more! …read more Source:: CNet

Facing Sharp Questions, Boeing CEO Refuses To Admit Flaws in 737 MAX Design

Iwastheone shares a report: In a tense and steely news conference, his first since two deadly crashes of 737 MAX airplanes, Boeing Chairman and CEO Dennis Muilenburg faced sharp questioning but refused to admit flaws in the design of the airplane’s systems. “We have gone back and confirmed again, as we do the safety analysis,…

Key by Amazon brings in-car package delivery to Ford, Lincoln vehicles – Roadshow

Ford’s connected-car services are also expanding to include mobile car washes. …read more Source:: CNet

Oculus Rift S gets May 21 release date in Microsoft Store – CNET

The news comes from a listing in the Microsoft Store. …read more Source:: CNet

Oh dear. Huawei enterprise router ‘backdoor’ was Telnet, sighs Vodafone

We all want to see hard proof of espionage. This is absolutely not it A claimed “backdoor” in Huawei routers used in the core of Vodafone Italy’s 3G network was, in fact, a routine implementation of Telnet.… …read more Source:: Register

Google’s pricey Pixel phones aren’t selling, even at steep discounts – CNET

With the cheaper Pixel 3a or Pixel Lite reportedly on the way, Google will change strategy and target budget-conscious consumers. …read more Source:: CNet

Jimmy Fallon Played a Video Game on Air, Meaning That Streaming Your Own Game Gets You Taken Down as a Pirate

AmiMoJo shares a report: NBC (and the other broadcasters) provides copies of its shows to YouTube’s Content ID filter, which is supposed to protect copyright by blocking uploads of videos that match ones in its database of claimed videos. That means that if you own the copyright to something that is aired on NBC, any…