Day: May 30, 2019

Chinese bogeyman gets Huawei with featuring in EE’s 5G network launch thanks to bumbling BBC

Which then deleted all evidence – except this article Pics Today marked the launch of Britain’s first 5G network – and also, as the BBC joyously informed us, the first telly broadcast made over 5G. But guess which company made the antenna that the Beeb used to beam its tech correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones into your…

Tiny Forklift Makes Unusable Space Usable

Houses with crawlspaces are fairly common in some geographic regions. The crawlspace can make it easier to access things like plumbing and electrical wiring, and can even be used as storage in homes that don’t (or can’t) have a basement. Along with improved building ventilation, these some of the perks compared to homes built on…

Huawei a Key Beneficiary of China Subsidies That US Wants Ended

From a report: A replica of the Palace of Versailles, medieval turrets, and spires rise across Huawei’s new campus in southern China, a monument to the telecom giant’s growing fortune — and the benefits of state aid. The fairytale-like facilities rest on land that was sold by the local government at cut-rate prices to woo…

Google Maps adds speed limit, speed camera data for more than 40 countries – Roadshow

Only a small handful of markets had access to these features before the expansion. …read more Source:: CNet

Google holds firm on Chrome changes that may break ad blockers – CNET

However, enterprise users may be exempt from the changes. …read more Source:: CNet

Hackers Actively Exploit WordPress Plugin Open Redirect Flaws

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Turla Turns PowerShell Into A Weapon In Attacks Against EU Diplomats

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Exposed Files Saw 50 Percent Uptick In Last Year

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Apple And WhatsApp Fight Proposal To Let Spies Tap Encrypted Comms

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Apple, Google and WhatsApp Condemn GCHQ Proposal To Eavesdrop on Encrypted Messages

Tech giants, civil society groups and Ivy League security experts have condemned a proposal from Britain’s eavesdropping agency as a “serious threat” to digital security and fundamental human rights. From a report: In an open letter to GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), 47 signatories including Apple, Google and WhatsApp have jointly urged the U.K. cybersecurity agency…