Day: June 2, 2019

Study Claims Using Twitter Erodes Your Intelligence

Researchers at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan have discovered that Twitter-based classes actually hurts academic performance, according to the Washington Post: The finding by a team of Italian researchers is not necessarily that the crush of hashtags, likes and retweets destroys brain cells; that’s a question for neuroscientists, they said. Rather,…

iPhone XR vs. Galaxy S10E: Which phone has better cameras – CNET

At $750, both phones are cheaper than their flagship cousins. But which of the two takes better photos and videos? …read more Source:: CNet

Apple WWDC 2019 keynote: How to watch, start time, livestream – CNET

What’s next for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, the Mac — and everything else in the Apple universe? We’ll find out on Monday. …read more Source:: CNet

iOS 13 dark mode leaks and more WWDC 2019 predictions – CNET

The interface changes that could be coming to your iPhone with iOS 13, a new Apple Watch app store and the most important updates we’re expecting at WWDC 2019. …read more Source:: CNet

3D Printed Knife Sharpening Tool Makes The Job Easy

A sharp knife is a joy to use, but many of us are guilty of buying the cheapest kitchen tools available and rarely maintaining them. Keeping knives sharp is key to working with them both safely and effectively, but to sharpen by hand requires patience and skill. [CNC Kitchen] instead decided to use technology to…

Is Facebook Already Working On An Encryption Backdoor?

Horst Seehofer, Germany’s federal interior minister, wants to require encryption companies to provide the government with plain text transcripts. One security expert says Facebook is already working on a way to make it happen. An anonymous reader quotes his remarks in Forbes: The reality is that at its annual conference earlier this month, Facebook previewed…

This Solar-Powered Ear Ring Turns With The Sun

Jewelry making offers many opportunities for the electronics tinkerer, and on these pages we’ve seen some eye-catching creations using LEDs to great effect. They all have the same limitation though, it’s difficult to power something that tiny without a cumbersome battery. In seeking to solve that problem there have been a variety of inventive solutions…

Relatives’ DNA Leads To Arrest — For a 1976 Double Murder

“You gotta be kidding me,” said a Wisconsin man, when police arrested his 82-year-old next-door neighbor “old Ray” — the guy who would occasionally come over to fix his lawnmower. An anonymous reader quotes the Associated Press: Ray Vannieuwenhoven was his next-door neighbor — a helpful, 82-year-old handyman with a gravelly voice and a loud,…

Nvidia Jetson Robots Get A Head Start With Isaac Software Tools

We live in an exciting time of machine intelligence. Over the past few months, several products have been launched offering neural network processors at a price within hobbyist reach. But as exciting as the hardware might be, they still need software to be useful. Nvidia was not content to rest on their impressive Jetson hardware…

Ask Slashdot: What To Do When Your Certificate Authority Suddenly Revokes Your Cert?

Long-time Slashdot reader rastos1 works for a mid-size software company that for many decades has been developing CAD-CAM software for the textile industry. But last weekend their code-signing certificate was revoked — and they’re looking for advice. On Monday morning we woke up to phones ringing from confused customers unable to launch our software. This…