Day: June 9, 2019

Fortnite season 9, week 5 challenges and where to find Wind Turbines, Race Tracks – CNET

Time to get up high and go fast. …read more Source:: CNet

E3 2019: Microsoft Xbox E3 conference, start time, how to watch, livestream, full schedule and more – CNET

Microsoft’s E3 press conference starts today at 1 p.m. PT in Los Angeles. We could see more information about its next generation console, Game Pass for PC, Halo: Infinite, Gears 5, Project xCloud plans and more. …read more Source:: CNet

Are Amazon’s ‘Ring’ Doorbells Creating A Massive Police Surveillance Network?

“Police departments are piggybacking on Ring’s network to build out their surveillance networks…” reports CNET, adding that Ring “helps police avoid roadblocks for surveillance technology, whether a lack of funding or the public’s concerns about privacy.” While residential neighborhoods aren’t usually lined with security cameras, the smart doorbell’s popularity has essentially created private surveillance networks…

E3 2019: E3 Nintendo Direct, start time, how to watch, livestream, full schedule and more – CNET

Pokemon? Animal Crossing? Metroid Prime 4? What are we going to see at this year’s E3 Nintendo Direct? …read more Source:: CNet

E3 2019: Microsoft Xbox E3 conference, start time, how to watch, livestream, full schedule and more – CNET

Microsoft’s E3 press conference starts today at 1 p.m. PT in Los Angeles. We could see more information about its next generation console, Game Pass for PC, Halo: Infinite, Gears 5, Project xCloud plans and more. …read more Source:: CNet

E3 2019: E3 is changing because video games are changing – CNET

Sony is a no-show, and Nintendo stopped hosting a traditional press event years ago. What does the future hold for E3? And what can we expect to see this year? …read more Source:: CNet

Bizarre New Theories Emerge About Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto

“I am not saying that Neal Stephenson is Satoshi Nakamoto,” writes the features editor at Reason. “What I am saying is: Would it really be surprising if he were?” This prompted a strong rebuke from CCN Markets: The article starts, “Consider the possibility that Neal Stephenson is Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin.” Let’s…

Why Pfizer Ignored Data Suggesting Their Drug Could Affect Alzheimer’s

In a controversial pharmaceutical story, this week the Washington Post reported “that Pfizer had evidence that [their drug] Enbrel could be useful in Alzheimer’s disease, and didn’t do anything with it,” according to a blog post from Science magazine: This came from an analysis of insurance claim data: a set of about 127,000 patients with…

E3 2019: Bethesda E3 conference, start time, how to watch, livestream and more – CNET

Doom, dragons and dreamboats (can we call you that Mr. Howard?). …read more Source:: CNet

Microsoft Xbox E3 2019 conference, start time, how to watch, livestream and more – CNET

Microsoft’s E3 press conference starts today at 1 p.m. PT in Los Angeles. We could see more information about its next generation console, Game Pass, Halo: Infinite, Gears 5, Project xCloud plans and more. …read more Source:: CNet