Day: June 22, 2019

An ESP8266 Clock With Built-In Notifications

When we recently discussed the skills that we might wish to impart upon a youngster, one of those discussed was the ability to speak more than one language. If any demonstration were required as to why that might be the case, it comes today in [Byfeel]’s Notif’Heure, an ESP8266-powered clock and display (French-language, Google Translate…

Should Slack-Like Chat Clients Replace Email?

This week the New York Times’ Style section asked an interesting question. “Slack wants to replace email. Is that what we want?” The company says it has 88,000 paying customers — a sliver of a sliver of the world’s desk-and-phone-bound office workers, and fewer than work full time at, for example, Google’s parent company, Alphabet….

The new AirPods with wireless charging case are $180 at Amazon (save 10%) – CNET

This is Amazon’s lowest price ever. …read more Source:: CNet

Bitcoin Surges Past $11K. Is It Finally Gaining Acceptance?

The price of Bitcoin surged past $11,000 today — less than 24 hours after surging past $10,000. Ars Technica points out Bitcoin’s price has tripled in less than six months, “after crashing from an all-time high around $19,500 in December 2017.” And as the price of Ethereum rose above $300 for the first time in…

Serverless computing: another step away from the data center

A seasoned enterprise storage entrepreneur explains how cloud is unfolding into the serverless revolution. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Chrome ‘Has Become Surveillance Software. It’s Time to Switch’

“You open your browser to look at the Web. Do you know who is looking back at you?” warns Washington Post technology columnist Geoffrey A. Fowler: Over a recent week of Web surfing, I peered under the hood of Google Chrome and found it brought along a few thousand friends. Shopping, news and even government…

How much higher could proposed tariffs against China push laptop prices?

A new report claims that the Trump administration’s latest tariff proposal on goods imported from China could raise prices on new laptops by 17 percent in the U.S. On average the report finds that a new laptop would cost $120 more if the tariffs go into effect. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Do you make these iPhone charging mistakes?

My informal poll suggests that most people make at least two of these mistakes, possibly three. …read more Source:: ZDNet

The Quest For Perfect Croissants Via a DIY Dough Sheeter

Baking is a wonderful pastime, as much an art as a science. [Alex] pursues the craft with plenty of vigor, and had built his very own dough sheeter to assist in his work. Unfortunately, the design had several flaws, and came out of a recent move rather the worse for wear. Growing tired of having…

Yay, for AI: Autonomous pizza-delivery robots. Nay for AI: Big Brother is real and it’s powered by neural networks

Also Waymo is releasing a data set for you self-driving car nerds Roundup If you wanna know what’s been happening in AI this week beyond what we’ve already covered, here’s a quick roundup…… …read more Source:: TheRegister