Day: July 13, 2019

The 2020 iPhone is already overshadowing the iPhone 11 – CNET

Rumors about next year’s iPhone are heating up, with promising sales forecasts and some standout features. …read more Source:: CNet

Best Amazon Alexa devices of 2019 – CNET

Read on to find out which smart home gadgets work best with Alexa. …read more Source:: CNet

Acer Predator Triton 900 defies gaming convention – CNET

With its flipping 4K touchscreen, the 17-inch Triton 900 isn’t your ordinary gaming laptop. …read more Source:: CNet

Amazon Continues Work On Mobile Home Robot As It Preps New High-End Echo, Says Report

Citing a report from Bloomberg, The Verge reports that Amazon is working on a mobile home robot and a high-end Echo to compete against the Apple HomePod and Google Home Max. From the report: We first heard about Amazon’s plans to build a wheeled home robot in April last year. The project is reportedly codenamed…

The $200 iPod Touch now has some legit competition – CNET

Commentary: What the latest iPod Touch lacks in screen and battery life, it makes up for in apps, games, AR and now it has some real competition from Nintendo’s Switch Lite. …read more Source:: CNet

3D Printing An Old-School Coherer

Coherers were devices used in some of the very earliest radio experiments in the 19th century. Consisting of a tube filled with metal filings with an electrode at each end, the coherer would begin to conduct when in the presence of radio frequency energy. Physically tapping the device would then loosen the filings again, and…

Thousands of People Have Taken a Facebook Pledge To Storm Area 51

PolygamousRanchKid shares a report from CNN: Over 300,000 people have signed on to a Facebook event pledging to raid Area 51 in Nevada in a quest to “see them aliens.” The event, titled “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us,” is inviting users from around the world to join a “Naruto run” —…

Literally rings our bell: Scotch eggheads take first-ever snap of quantum entanglement

‘Spooky action’ caught on camera – see it for yourself Pic Physicists at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, have produced the first-ever image of a strong form of quantum entanglement, known as Bell entanglement.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Simple Simon Says Looks Sharp

Simon was a popular toy, launching at the very end of the 1970s, and cribbed from earlier work by Atari with their game Touch Me. The gameplay is simple, and while we suspect it won’t last quite as long as the several thousand years we’ve so far had chess, it’s still around today. [DIY Machines]…

Carbon Nanotube Device Channels Heat Into Light

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Phys.Org: Rice University scientists are designing arrays of aligned single-wall carbon nanotubes to channel mid-infrared radiation (aka heat) and greatly raise the efficiency of solar energy systems. Their invention is a hyperbolic thermal emitter that can absorb intense heat that would otherwise be spewed into the atmosphere, squeeze…