Day: July 25, 2019

One Week Left for Supercon Talk and Workshop Submissions

The Hackaday Superconference is the highest density of the coolest hackers anywhere. Other events may be bigger, but we’ll be so bold to say that none are better. If you love Hackaday, and we know you do, you should really come join us in November in Pasadena, CA. Far and away the best way to…

SK Hynix to cut DRAM production, investment as profit declines 89%

When the chips are down: trade tussle with Japan yet another reason for pessimism Memory manufacturers just can’t catch a break this year. As if the ongoing memory oversupply and US-China trade war weren’t enough, now they have to contend with an escalating trade conflict between Japan and South Korea, which is disrupting the flow…

Ransomware Incident Leaves Some Johannesburg Residents Without Electricity

A ransomware infection at an electricity provider in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa’s biggest city and financial capital, has left some of its residents without power. From a report: The ransomware infection impacted City Power — a provider of pre-paid electric power for Johannesburg residents and local companies. The malware encrypted the company’s database,…

Popstick Fan Car Is A Fun Bluetooth Build

Archer fans already know, but for the rest of the world it bears saying – boats are fine, but fan boats are better. It’s much the same with land vehicles, too. [tinkeringtech] felt the same way, and built a Bluetooth-controlled fan car to scoot around the floor. (YouTube, embedded below.) Construction starts with a series…

Facebook cleans out fake accounts from Thailand, Russia, Ukraine, Honduras – CNET

The social network removed hundreds of accounts for “coordinated inauthentic behavior.” …read more Source:: CNet

Brazilian banking users exposed by 250GB data leak

A financial services provider has leaked personal details of potential and current clients of various local banking institutions. …read more Source:: ZDNet

AI is Supercharging the Creation of Maps Around the World

For those of us who live in places where driving directions are available at our fingertips, it might be surprising to learn that millions of miles of roads around the world have yet to be mapped. From a blog post: For more than 10 years, volunteers with the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project have worked to address…

Fitbits might not track your heart rate right if you’re a person of color – CNET

There have been a few complaints from people with darker skin or a lot of tattoos. …read more Source:: CNet

Azure consultant to sue Google for… caching his website? Breach of copyright? Eh?

High Court judge reverses earlier toss-out decision London’s High Court has given the go-ahead for a Microsoft Azure consultant to sue Google because having the world’s most widely used search engine caching images from his website allegedly infringes his copyright.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Apple Watch Nike Plus Series 3 GPS and Cellular 42mm: $309 – CNET

That’s $100 off and the same price you’d normally pay for the GPS-only model. …read more Source:: CNet