Day: September 11, 2019

Study ranks US cities with the best and worst public transportation – Roadshow

Seattle, you’re on top. …read more Source:: CNet

Expert Predicts 25% of Colleges Will ‘Fail’ in the Next 20 Years

For the first time in 185 years, there will be no fall semester at Green Mountain College in western Vermont. The college, which closed this year, isn’t alone: Southern Vermont College, the College of St. Joseph, and Atlantic Union College, among others, have shuttered their doors, too. The schools fell victim to trends in higher…

Gmail adds dark mode on Android 10, so you won’t get blinded by email – CNET

Some Android 10 users are already enjoying the Gmail app’s new feature. …read more Source:: CNet

The gig (economy) is up: New California law upgrades Lyft, Uber, other app serfs to staff

Rules may blow up bug bounty upstarts, too Analysis The California Senate has passed a new gig-economy law that will force app companies like Uber and Lyft to treat their workers as employees, rather than independent contractors.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Community Projects Highlight Need for Security Volunteers

From university courses to open source self-starters, community software projects aim to solve problems for populations in need. A focus on security is required as well. …read more Source:: DarkReading

Court Rules That ‘Scraping’ Public Website Data Isn’t Hacking

Scraping public data from a website doesn’t constitute “hacking,” according to a new court ruling that could dramatically limit abuse of the United States’ primary hacking law. From a report: The ruling comes after a lengthy battle between data analytics firm HiQ Labs and Microsoft owned LinkedIn, which have been at each other’s throats for…

Smart Buoy Rides the Citizen Science Wave

Those beautiful and dangerous ocean waves that beckon us to the coast are more than just a pretty sight. They can tell us a lot about weather patterns and what the sea itself is doing. As vital as this information is, the existing methods of doing wave research are pretty expensive. The team at [t3chflicks]…

Pam and Angela from The Office have a podcast together – CNET

The weekly “Office Ladies” podcast will include episode breakdowns and behind-the-scenes stories. …read more Source:: CNet

Water spotted on alien world where climate might be right for life – CNET

Data shows signs of water vapor on Exoplanet K2-18b, and though it’s too early to know, “it’s entirely possible this is a water world,” researchers say. …read more Source:: CNet

GameStop Closing 200 Stores Following Another Quarter of Dismal Sales

GameStop will close as many 200 stores before the end of 2019 following another quarter of sharply declining sales and a $32 million loss, the company stated. From a report: In a statement yesterday, the company’s chief financial officer attributed the drop in sales to trends “consistent with what we have historically observed towards the…