Day: October 27, 2019

Samsung Satellite Crashes Into Family’s Backyard

“A Michigan family was shocked to find a space satellite in their yard Saturday morning,” reports a local TV station: Nancy Mumby-Welke shared the video on Facebook, walking up to a satellite lying on its side. “You never know what’s going to happen,” Welke says in the video. “This baby fell out of the sky…

Reverse Engineering A Two-Wire Intercom

There was a time when an intercom was simply a pair of boxes with speakers joined by a couple of wires, with an audio amplifier somewhere in the mix. But intercoms have like everything else joined the digital age, so those two wires now carry a load of other functionality as digital signalling. [Aaron Christophel]…

Restoring a Rusty Rebar Cutter

We’ve all probably come across hunks of junk that used to be tools, long-neglected and chemically welded into a useless mass of solid rust. Such items are available for a pittance at the local flea market, or more likely found in an old barn or rotting on a junk pile. They appear to be far…

Facebook AI Can Now Alter Videos to ‘Hide’ People From Facial Recognition

Facebook AI Research created a system for the de-identification of individuals in videos, reports VentureBeat: It maps a slightly distorted version on a person’s face in order to make it difficult for facial recognition technology to identify a person… Like faceswap deepfake software, the AI uses an encoder-decoder architecture to generate both a mask and…

Buying a new mattress: 7 questions to ask before you shop – CNET

This mattress-buying guide will help you pick the right bed for better sleep. …read more Source:: CNet

Big Green Eggs are tricky so let the Smartfire Controller babysit your BBQ – CNET

Good barbecue is hard, but the Smartfire grill system makes it easy. …read more Source:: CNet

From rovers on Mars to an orbiting Tesla, this decade revolutionized how we see space – CNET

The 2010s started with overheated worlds around a distant star and led us into a new push to live beyond our own world. …read more Source:: CNet

9 signs it’s time to replace your mattress – CNET

Mattresses don’t last forever, but how do you know when it’s time to replace yours? …read more Source:: CNet

How the 2018 Olympic Cyberattack Was Traced To Russian Hackers

Sparrowvsrevolution writes: In a lengthy article, Wired tells a newly detailed narrative of the cyberattack on the 2018 Winter Olympic games, which hit the Olympics network during the opening ceremony. The piece details how the malware used in that attack was designed to incorporate multiple sophisticated false flags, and how forensic analysts overcame those red…

Pixel 4’s new security feature raises Android to iPhone’s level. Time for rivals to catch up – CNET

Commentary: Google’s face unlock is the first time any Android phone has tried to one-up Apple’s most buzzed-about innovation. …read more Source:: CNet