Day: October 28, 2019

Rekognition still racist, politicians desperate over deepfakes, and a good reason to go to (some) music festivals

Let’s bring you up to speed on the latest misuses of machine-learning tech Roundup Here’s our latest summary of AI news beyond what we’ve already covered. It’s all about two favourite topics in machine learning today: facial recognition and deepfakes.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Adobe secures deal with US gov’t to sell to Venezuela, customer access restored

Talks to circumvent US sanctions have been fruitful, it seems. …read more Source:: ZDNet

UK Set To Allow Huawei in ‘Non-Contentious’ Parts of 5G Networks

“This could antagonize the U.S.,” reports Engadget: After months of talk, the UK is reportedly close to letting Huawei into its 5G networks. Sunday Times sources claim Prime Minister Boris Johnson is close to allowing the Chinese tech giant into “non-contentious” parts of 5G service in the country. While there wasn’t much elaboration on what…

Boris Johnson may let Huawei access UK’s 5G network – CNET

The UK may create a rift with the US by working with the controversial Chinese telecom, the Sunday Times reported. …read more Source:: CNet

Oracle’s cloud to net sweet customers as NetSuite sinks ever deeper into the fold

CEO Evan Goldberg on Big Red migration and the Suite smell of Success Oracle-owned NetSuite has plugged cookie-cutter SuiteSuccess tooling at its London SuiteConnect shindig as customers face up to a migration to Big Red’s cloud.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Remember that competition for non-hoodie hacker pics? Here’s their best entries

And we invite you to grab your easel and brush A competition to produce stock pictures of infosec that does not involve hoodies or waterfalls of 0s and 1s has yielded a mixed bag of images to illustrate the industry’s digital doings for the world’s consumption.… …read more Source:: Register

iPhone 11 Pro: Yes, we captured these Scottish Highlands photos with a phone camera – CNET

Can phone photos actually compete with a professional DSLR? We took the iPhone 11 Pro on a road trip through the Scottish Highlands to find out. …read more Source:: CNet

Australia wants to use face-matching to verify people downloading porn – CNET

Proving that you’re old enough for online porn could get a lot more awkward. …read more Source:: CNet

Who’s the leakiest of them all? It’s the UK’s public sector, breach fine analysis reveals

Ah, the old lost disk scenario… Despite the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) recently slapping record megafines on British Airways and Marriott for data leakage, it’s actually the UK’s public sector that racked up the biggest volume of breaches in the last eight years.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Best Amazon Alexa devices for 2019 – CNET

Discover which smart home devices play best with your Echo smart speaker. …read more Source:: CNet