Day: February 25, 2020

Apple’s first Macs with Arm chips could soon be on the way: Here’s why it matters

A respected Apple-watcher predicts an upcoming Arm-based Mac. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Get a new, unlocked Galaxy S10 for $480 or an S10 Plus for $580 – CNET

Limited supply! These models originally sold for hundreds more. Plus: Score FIFA 20 (PS4 or Xbox) for just $25. …read more Source:: CNet

Zoho: Full stack, operating system, and data protector

Opinion: Brian Solis brings his perspective on Zoho and its ascension to breakthrough growth into the mid-market. How did they get here? What do they offer? What are the strengths and weaknesses? …read more Source:: ZDNet

Brazilian police introduces live facial recognition for Carnival

Millions of faces are being added to the police database; the plan is to use the technology in events involving crowds to find wanted criminals. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Apple tries to have VirnetX VPN patent ruling overturned again, US Supremes say no… again

Still not the last word for VirnetX after 10-year fight The United States Supreme Court has kicked out Apple’s attempt to overturn a judgement in one of the cases in its 10-year patent fight with VirnetX.… …read more Source:: Register

UK Financial Watchdog Leaked Confidential Consumer Data

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Firefox Turns On Encrypted DNS By Default To Thwart Snooping ISPs

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Wendy Nather on How to Make Security ‘Democratization’ a Reality

Ahead of her keynote at the RSA Conference, Cisco’s head of advisory CISOs outlines to Dark Reading a unique paradigm that asks security teams to stop fighting their users, and start sharing control with them. …read more Source:: DarkReading

Cybersecurity Industry: It’s Time to Stop the Victim Blame Game

There are far more ways to be helpful than adding to the noise of what a company probably did wrong. …read more Source:: DarkReading

Free Download: The Ultimate Security Pros’ Checklist

The Ultimate Security Pros’ Checklist fully maps the core duties of common security positions, from the core technical security aspect to team management and executive reporting. …read more Source:: Threatpost