Day: March 20, 2020

California Issues Statewide Stay At Home Order To Combat COVID-19

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Windows, Ubuntu, macOS, VirtualBox Fall At Pwn2Own Hacking Contest

…read more Source:: PacketStorm

Prusa Advises on Printed Medical Devices, Releases Face Shield

Like everyone else, hackers and makers want to do something to help control the spread of COVID-19. The recent posts on Hackaday dealing with DIY and open source approaches to respirators, ventilators, and masks have been some of the most widely read and commented on in recent memory. But it’s important to remember that the…

YouTube Now Highlights ‘Authoritative’ Coronavirus Coverage On its Homepage

YouTube has launched a news shelf on its homepage dedicated to coronavirus coverage. From a report: The content will initially be available in 16 countries, and the company says it will expand it to more countries in the future. YouTube announced the news on Twitter without giving any further details, such as the exact list…

Line-of-business folk will have bigger role in growing robotic process automation revolution

Scary idea, but can work if IT bods are there to hold their hands It has been the subject of hype and overblown expectations, but that is not set to dampen investment in robotic process automation – the idea that simple software “robot” can carry out annoying admin tasks. But as organisations begin to understand…

This Week in Security: Working From Home Edition

As the world sits back and waits for Coronavirus to pass, the normally frantic pace of security news has slowed just a bit. Google is not exempt, and Chrome 81 has been delayed as a result. Major updates to Chrome and Chrome OS are paused indefinitely, but security updates will continue as normal. In fact,…

Security Ratings Are a Dangerous Fantasy

They don’t predict breaches, and they don’t help people make valuable business decisions or make users any safer. …read more Source:: DarkReading

Search for Coronavirus Vaccine Becomes a Global Competition

A global arms race for a coronavirus vaccine is underway. The New York Times reports: In the three months since the virus began its deadly spread, China, Europe and the United States have all set off at a sprint to become the first to produce a vaccine. But while there is cooperation on many levels…

Covid-19 Spurs Facial Recognition Tracking, Privacy Fears

The coronavirus pandemic is creating a lucrative market for facial recognition manufacturers. But privacy issues need to be top of mind, tech experts warn. …read more Source:: Threatpost

Programming languages: Python and Java VS Code extensions get these new updates

Java for Visual Studio Code now gets SolarLint ‘spellchecker’ tool, while the Python extension gets a new debugger. …read more Source:: ZDNet