Month: March 2020

If you’ve ever wished Visual Studio Code could be more open source, the Eclipse Foundation would like a word

DIY IDE Theia hits 1.0, and it’s still compatible with all those extensions The Eclipse Foundation has pulled back the curtains on version 1.0 of Theia, an alternative to Microsoft’s developer darling of the hour, Visual Studio Code.… …read more Source:: more open source, the Eclipse Foundation would like a word” >TheRegister

How Much Downtime Can Your Company Handle?

Why every business needs cyber resilience and quick recovery times. …read more Source:: DarkReading

Lockdown video: Making video conferencing and streaming work from home

Bob from Blackmagic, a maker of professional video production hardware, talks teleconferencing, and streaming tips and technique basics as well as how to up your game. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Huawei: China government won’t stand idle as US introduces more sanctions

Chinese government will have no choice but to impose counter measures should the US continue to restrict Huawei’s access to the global supply chain, says rotating chairman Eric Xu, who reveals the vendor’s international consumer business has lost at least $10 billion as a result of the US trade ban. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Average US gas price drops below $2 per gallon – Roadshow

It’s the first time gas fell under $2 per gallon nationally in four years, and the price might keep on falling, too. …read more Source:: CNet

Cloudflare is over the moon because its pro-privacy DNS service got a clean bill of health from everyone’s favorite auditor – KPMG

Proved for all sites, proved for all sites, there is nothing else we can do Two years ago, network infrastructure biz Cloudflare launched the Public DNS Resolver, with the promise that internet users could use the service to surf the internet without being tracked – by Cloudflare at least.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

Samsung Display To End All LCD Production By End 2020

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: South Korean panel maker Samsung Display has decided to end all of its production of liquid crystal display (LCD) panels in South Korea and China by end of this year, a spokesperson said on Tuesday. Samsung Display, a unit of South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics Co…

Samsung Display will reportedly stop making LCD panels this year – CNET

It’ll seemingly move personally onto QD and OLED production. …read more Source:: CNet

Hidden features: Apple’s discoverability problem

What good are a bunch of cool features if people can’t find them? Apple has buried hundreds of thoughtful and useful features beneath its supposedly intuitive interface. They must know it, so why don’t they fix it? …read more Source:: ZDNet

Make Apache Cassandra great again: DataStax going cloud, Kubernetes, open source, and multi-model

Actions and words, code and advocacy. DataStax is changing strategy, re-engaging with the Apache Cassandra open source community, and releasing some interesting technical advancements while at it, too …read more Source:: ZDNet