Day: April 3, 2020

Want to Improve Cloud Security? It Starts with Logging

Remedying the “garbage in, garbage out” problem requires an understanding of what is causing the problem in the first place. …read more Source:: DarkReading

Disney+ Launches in India For $20 a Year, Includes Shows From HBO, Showtime, and Live TV Channels

Disney+ has arrived in India through Hotstar, a popular on-demand video streamer the giant conglomerate picked up as part of the Fox deal. From a report: To court users in India, the largest open entertainment market in Asia, Disney is charging users 1,499 Indian rupees (about $19.5) for a year, the most affordable plan in…

Quibi: Prices, shows, release date and WTF is a quibi actually – CNET

Quibi is a star-packed, mobile-only streaming service launching Monday with a 90-day free trial — or free indefinitely for some T-Mobile customers. Here’s everything to know. …read more Source:: CNet

Working from home? Block noise with these true wireless earbuds for $22.49 – CNET

The surprisingly good iTeknic earbuds include memory-foam tips and support both wireless and USB-C charging. …read more Source:: CNet

Scientists Develop AI That Can Turn Brain Activity Into Text

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Writing in the journal Nature Neuroscience, [researchers from the University of California, San Francisco] reveal how they developed their system by recruiting four participants who had electrode arrays implanted in their brain to monitor epileptic seizures. These participants were asked to read aloud from 50 set…

Free Security Resources and Services for COVID-19

Here is a list of free resources, guides, frameworks, services and products to help enterprise security to navigate the coronavirus pandemic. If your organization is offering resources and products at no cost, please email [email protected] to be included. …read more Source:: SecurityMagazine

Spearphishing Campaign Exploits COVID-19 To Spread Lokibot Infostealer

The attack discovered uses World Health Organization trademark to lure users with info related to coronavirus. …read more Source:: Threatpost

Ransomware and DDoS attacks: Cybercrooks are stepping up their activities in the midst of coronavirus

Crooks are taking advantage of this ‘surreal situation’ to increase pressure warns law enforcement agency. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Microsoft: How one Emotet infection took out this organization’s entire network

An Emotet victim’s IT disaster shows why organizations should filter internal emails and use two-factor authentication. …read more Source:: ZDNet

UK judge gives Google a choice: Either let SEO expert read your ranking algos or withdraw High Court evidence

Tough choice for adtech monolith in Foundem case Google must either show its “crown jewels” to a man it described to the High Court as a search engine optimisation expert or give up parts of its defence in a long-running competition lawsuit, the UK High Court has ruled.… …read more Source:: TheRegister