Day: April 28, 2020

WhatsApp boosts video and voice calls to allow 8 people at once – CNET

Video chatting apps continue to grow and evolve as we use them more than ever. …read more Source:: CNet

iPhone SE: With its A13 chip, this small, $399 phone outperforms all Androids – CNET

Performance on a budget arrives just in time for buyers spooked by the pandemic. …read more Source:: CNet

Apple Watch saved my life: 5 people share their stories – CNET

With its fall detection feature, heart rate notifications, exercise tracking and even the ability to make a call from your wrist, the Apple Watch has made a mark in each one of these stories. …read more Source:: CNet

Pimp my PostgreSQL: Swarm64 paints go-faster stripes on open-source database challenger

Legacy data warhouse wheezing? It could be an option Parallel processing and hardware optimisation biz Swarm64 has pushed out PostgreSQL acceleration software in the hopes this will set it up to compete against proprietary products.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

US Deaths Soared In Early Weeks of Pandemic, Far Exceeding Number Attributed To COVID-19

hackingbear writes: According to The Washington Post, U.S. deaths soared in the early weeks of the pandemic, surpassing the number of COVID-19 related deaths, as well as the number normally expected for the time period. An estimated 15,400 excess deaths occurred from March 1 to April 4, nearly double the 8,128 deaths attributed to COVID-19…

Apple reportedly plans to reopen ‘many’ stores in May – CNET

The company’s retail vice president told employees in a video update, according to Bloomberg. …read more Source:: CNet

Windows 10 gets a little more G-shaped: G Suite admins can now manage Microsoft’s OS, and that includes remote wipe

Google shores up security for biz users Google has upped security for business customers using its G Suite package, including Windows 10 administration, data loss prevention rules, and access rules based on where you are and what device you are using.… …read more Source:: TheRegister

New Startup Accurics Tackles Cloud Infrastructure Security

Accurics offers a free product to prevent “drift” between infrastructure defined through code and infrastructure running in the cloud. …read more Source:: DarkReading

Windows 10: A workaround for the Office Insiders ‘Print to OneNote 2016’ problem

Office Insiders and Windows on Arm users can’t use the OneNote 2016 printer driver right now. Here’s a workaround I’ve been using. …read more Source:: ZDNet

Mark Shuttleworth on Ubuntu popularity and Canonical profitability

In the run-up to the release of Ubuntu 20.04, Canonical CEO Mark Shuttleworth spoke about Canonical’s finances, IPO, and future in the days of the coronavirus pandemic. …read more Source:: ZDNet